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Apr 12, 2022, 6 tweets

πŸ“… One year ago today - the UK Govt began to relax #lockdown restrictions while telling us a COVID-status certification system would be developed.

Even though the majority of Coronavirus Act regs have dropped, surveillance continues to be maintained.…

πŸ›‚ Many businesses were legislated to either use the #NHS #COVID19 app or allow customers to 'sign-in' for Test & Trace.

But of course this wasn't about your health, this was measuring citizens compliance re: #vaccinepassports & #DigitalID

🦠 If we're supposed to be 'Living with COVID' & restoring freedoms, then why do we need to maintain these surveillance measures that will do nothing to limit the spread of a now endemic virus.

✍️🏻#VaccinePassports have not been defeated & won't be until they're de-commissioned from the #NHS app, never to return.

#DHSC continue to retain the domestic COVID-Pass for a 'limited period'. But that could be anything from 6-12 months at least. We need more answers.

We believe one of two things could be adopted later this year if we don't remain vigilant & defiant against such measures:

1⃣ The redeployment of the #NHS #COVID19 app for certain businesses & events.

2⃣ The domestic Covid-Pass returning to the statute book 'temporarily'.

For those who want the TL;DR version instead of the thread above:…

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