Harmony 💙 Profile picture
Harmony is an open and fast blockchain. Our mainnet runs Ethereum applications with 2-second transaction finality and 100 times lower fees.

Apr 13, 2022, 10 tweets

1/ The growth of the @harmonyprotocol ecosystem continues.

With a $300M ecosystem fund, we offer grants to projects building products for the ecosystem.

Recently, we have approved grants for 8 more projects across use-cases and solutions.

More about these projects👇

2/ WheresMyMoney helps users one-click settle balances incurred from expenses shared between friends or DAOs.

The platform supports features such as automatic currency conversion, unbounded group sizes and transaction/debt flattening.

Website: wheresmymoney.one


3/ @MetaBotClub focuses on personal growth and development with a strong emphasis on financial education and mentorship.

The project uses NFTs and blockchain as a way to connect members to education tools, groups, and professionals.

Website: metabotclub.com


@MetaBotClub 4/ @PawnfiOfficial enables the divestiture of asset ownership, use rights and earning rights of NSAs.

Therefore, NFT, GameFi token and LP token holders can initiate a collateral loan, rent and sale within one transaction on #Pawnfi.

Website: pawnfi.com


@MetaBotClub @PawnfiOfficial 5/ @kyteone brings AirLyft, a one-stop solution for all the growth hacking needs of a crypto startup; and Predictly, a prediction market that provides a solution for creation, settlement and reward distribution.

Website: kyte.one

#Web3 #CryptoMarket

@MetaBotClub @PawnfiOfficial @kyteone 6/ @getblockio provides instant API connection to full nodes from many leading blockchain platforms.

It ensures cost-effective tools for enterprises & individual developers to build high-quality blockchain applications faster.

Website: getblock.io


@MetaBotClub @PawnfiOfficial @kyteone @getblockio 7/ @nakjinetwork acts as a transporter of data from the blockchain to the Internet.

It efficiently moves millions of data points off-chain to be accessed freely and openly by anyone who wants to connect to Nakji’s APIs.

Website: nakji.network

#Blockchain #Web3

@MetaBotClub @PawnfiOfficial @kyteone @getblockio @nakjinetwork 8/ @XenonFinance is a permissionless decentralized leveraged yield farming protocol on the Harmony blockchain.

Liquidity providers can deposit LP tokens into an isolated lending pool and earn high-interest rates and yields.

Website: app.xenon.finance


@MetaBotClub @PawnfiOfficial @kyteone @getblockio @nakjinetwork @XenonFinance 9/ Immersive Page is a Web-based cross-platform immersive platform for creatives in performance arts and education to build and share highly-customized online experiences.

Website: immersive.page

#Metaverse #Learning

@MetaBotClub @PawnfiOfficial @kyteone @getblockio @nakjinetwork @XenonFinance 10/ DELO is a multi-chain decentralized lottery managed by DELO token holders, who act as shareholders of the protocol and benefit from the operation of the platform.

DELO provides users with security, fairness, and transparency.

Website: delo.ai


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