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Apr 14, 2022, 11 tweets

A Thread on Debt to GDP Ratio 🧵

The debt-to-GDP ratio compares a country's debt to its total economic output measure by GDP for the year.

This ratio tells how the economy is doing and allows comparison.

Lets Look at where the world stands

@sahilkapoor @dugalira

What does % Mean

>100 : Country not producing enough to pay debt

100 : Just enough to pay off debt

<100: Enough economic output to make debt payments

If The % > 100: Higher risk of default and country will get loan at higher interest rate.

That further perpetuates the cycle by increasing debt —> looming financial crisis

Like the Hedonic Treadmill

World Bank in 2013

FM >77% for every 1% rise, Growth goes down by 0.017 points

EM are more sensitive to this. >64% for every 1% rise, Growth goes down by 0.02 points

As a country's debt-to-GDP ratio rises, it often signals that a recession is underway.


Comparison Between Countries

In 2017: Germany Ratio was 64%, Greece was 193%. Helped Germany Bail out Greece. (Germany GDP - 44.2 Trillion, Greece GDP - $299 Billion)

#Greece #Germany

Why Did Greece Default ?

Foreign Govt & banks held Greece debt. As Greece banknotes became due > debt downgraded by S&P > Interest Rates rose > To raise revenue it increased taxes, decreased spending> further slowed economy, reducing revenue & its ability to pay down debt.

The Interesting Case of Japan

In 2020, its debt-to-GDP ratio was 257%.

But most Debt is held domestically + It has large foreign assets.

Making it at lesser risk of default


Bringing Bond yield Into the Picture

The best determinant of faith in a government's solvency is yield to debt.

When yields are low, there is a lot of demand for its debt.

It won't have to pay as high a return to attract investors.


The United States had been fortunate in that regard, and it could offer bonds with relatively low yields.

Now Market is Spooked as Bond Yield is rising.


We are at 91% and growing. Signs of Concern


End of Thread.

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This Infographic puts all the countries into picture

Credit (@VisualCap )

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