Stefan Simanowitz Profile picture
"Action, like a sacrament, is the visible form of an invisible spirit" (bell hooks) || journalist || campaigner || @amnesty || Easily distracte

Apr 18, 2022, 7 tweets

The PM breaking #COVID19 lockdown rules then lying about it is serious

But there are MUCH bigger scandals than #Partygate (many of which I broke)

5/3/20 - #TakeItOnTheChin #HerdImmunityScandal

3/2/20 #GreenwichSpeech👇

15/5/20 #CarehomeScandal

👉the #DataGrab / #PalantirPlan

For me, my investigation began by chance on 8/3/20 when I stumbled on @BorisJohnson’s interview with @Schofe & @hollywills where he said “one theory is we could #TakeItOnTheChin

I clipped it & it went viral

Ironically, this was also the same day as first Briton died of #COVID

As #COVID19 hit, every epidemiologist/virologist made clear #HerdImmunity without a vaccine was an “outcome” not a “strategy”

Every behaviourist made clear “behavioural fatigue” was unscientific

Every expert knew about asymptomatic spread in Feb 2020

Then the penny dropped

The #HerdImmunity scandal helped explain the #CarehomeScandal & other scandals such as the #BehaviouralFatigueScandal

But why was our govt deliberately following a strategy that they knew was:

1/. unscientific;

2/. would kill many people; &

3/. wouldn’t protect the economy?

The #HerdImmunityScandal led me to #Palantir & #FacultyAI who are running the NHS #COVID19 datastore

Palantir - run by far right Peter Thiel - allegedly taught #CambridgeAnalytica

Our private NHS health data was being sold to companies for “life science research” (genomics)

The NHS = most trusted brand in the UK

Cambridge Analytica = least trusted Yet Palantir rprtdly taught #CambridgeAnalytica how to scrape data & #FacultyAI also have links with them

When @DawnButlerBrent put this to Hancock & Cummings, how they squirmed!

Did this go unreported because it was

In 2020 Blair’s ex-Chief of staff – a man who knows all about political skulduggery – wrote

“This looks like the beginning of a rolling coup. It starts with the civil service then moves on to the judiciary & the media”

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