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Apr 22, 2022, 11 tweets

#Izyum Axis Update and ISW Map - #Russia is still actively conducting attacks actions across much of this map. Confirmed intel today that #Ukraine still controls at least some of #Rubizhne to the south and east. The #UAF is still slowly falling back towards #Severodonetsk.

#Russia is still attempting to encircle #Severodonetsk by taking the routes into the city from the NE and then using the Donets River to block SW. Our assessment is that RUAF wants to force the UAF into a pocket similar to the blue in the map below. Red is current front lines.

#Ukrainian governor of #Luhansk Oblast confirmed today that around half of #Popasna is controlled by #Russia but UAF is still contesting the city. RUAF has likely taken the city center but only barely. No discernible changes in the city today, only new confirmations of control.

Around #Izyum, neither #Ukraine or #Russia engaged in offensive actions. The #Russians have made very limited gains in this area but have taken high casualties from #Ukraine Armed Forces. RUAF continues to shell UAF positions with artillery and vice versa.

Around #Torske and #Kreminna, #Russia continued to struggle to break out towards #Zarichne. Although it appears that RUAF may have established a foothold across the Zherebets River, #UAF continues to make their progress slow and costly.

The #Izyum/#Donetsk Area is likely the main effort of the #Russian advance with RUAF hoping to still encircle a large amount of #UkrainianArmedForces in the pocket between #Izyum and the #Donetsk and destroy them. Possible COA seen in blue below. Current front lines in red.

Seeing some new unconfirmed info that #Russia may have taken #Lozove and is currently battling #Ukrainian forces for control of Rubtsi. Trying to verify this info now. RUAF want to close this pocket W of #Izyum so they can assault #Sloyansk.

#Ukraine General Staff confirming #Russian assaults happening right now on #Zavody & #Dibrovny with tanks and artillery. #Russia has reached the outskirts of both towns but has not entered either one yet.

Chances that #Lozove has fallen are very high. Unrelated but same area of operations: Confirmed #Russian shelling of #Lyman Oblasna Travmatolohiya Hospital Geolocated to 48.966054, 37.811659, Geolocation in next tweet.

1st picture is a photo of the same courtyard seen burning in the video above pulled from google maps photos, 2nd picture of the building for architectural reference, 3rd precise location, 4th general location in relation to other towns h/t @MarQs__

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