mayurjoshiphotos Profile picture
Everything is an illusion. only the Conciousness exists. Wild life l Nature l Macro l l landscape photographer 📸 🙏Advait Vedanta lover 🇮🇳 Proud Bhartiya

Apr 23, 2022, 15 tweets

#angry eyes of the #monkey

Eye of the #dslr 😍#lens

That stare is stunning and so beautiful but seems its not definately good for you..... #tiger #stare

What else you need when his gaze is upon you.😘😍🙏
#mygod #bappamoryare #bappa #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #EverythingEverywhere

My nephew Advay😍😍😘😘😘

When their eyes meet.😍😘

आई मला ससुल्या म्हणते म्हणून मी असा सश्यासारखा दिसतो 🙄🙄🙄🥶
#टायगर #Tigers #Wild

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