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Apr 24, 2022, 5 tweets

#Donetsk Axis Update - #Ukrainian GenStaff indirectly acknowledged that Novotoshkivs’ke was captured by #Russians by stating Orikhove was under attack. Orikhove can only be accessed through Novotoshkivs’ke. Also ack’ed was an ongoing assault on the town of Nyzhnie.

In #Popasna, #Russia did not take any new ground but likely controls around half of the city. 🇺🇦 also stated that 🇷🇺 is reinforcing this assault with manpower and heavy weapons to complete the capture of the city. Source: m.facebook.com/story.php?stor…

Also in #Popasna today, video was released showing significant destruction from shelling to include shrapnel peppered residential doors. Two people were killed by #Russian shelling in the city yesterday after artillery rounds hit a residential building. aljazeera.com/amp/news/2022/…

#Donetsk Axis Update - #Russia attempted assaults on both #Novomykhailivka and #Marinka. #Ukrainian troops repelled the assaults on both cities. #Russian troops continue to shell both cities as they try to soften defenses prior to more attacks.

#Ukraine ack'ed that #Russia launched an unsuccessful attack on #Vremivka, UA, which is adjacent to Velyka Novosilka. There was no mention of the village of Neskuchne to the S, which RU must have crossed to attack Vremka. It is likely that Neskuchne is now under RU control.

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