💜TorontoBikeMama Profile picture
💜Bike mama. @MamaToronto@mastodon.world

Apr 25, 2022, 18 tweets

#OnPoli #OntEd

Where is the analogous leadership?

There is an election coming

Stop catering to #COVID19 flat-earthers

🛑 #CovidTroglodyte response

Show me you understand science

Lead like @SoniaFurstenau



Same in ON

We are all 1 mass re/infection away

“…the province is not doing much to educate the public about #LongCovid. She cited a recent study showing that #LongCovid can affect 1 in 4 children”

PHO = approx 50% = #LongCovid



@SoniaFurstenau 👏

#OnPoli #OntEd

Match & lead

🛑 #CovidTroglodyte response

Election coming

“W/ HIV/AIDS…govts educated people about how the virus was being transmitted. They were told that unprotected sex & shared needles contributed to the spread.”



@SoniaFurstenau 👏

#OnPoli #OntEd

Match & lead

🛑 #CovidTroglodyte response

Election coming

“…they also learned about effective measures in response.
"It wasn't 'wear a condom if you choose to',"... "Condoms became widely and freely available."



@SoniaFurstenau 👏

#OnPoli #OntEd

Match & lead

Show me you aren’t a #CovidTroglodyte

Election coming

“In the case of cholera, she said that there were serious efforts to clean drinking water through the installation of effective sanitation.”



@SoniaFurstenau 👏

“a need for measurable standards for indoor air quality…

measuring C02 levels can also provide guidance to prevent the spread of the virus,

including from an asymptomatic person who might in a room.”

We know what those are.

H/T @BarryHunt008

@SoniaFurstenau 👏

“For months, Fursteau has been calling for the creation of an independent panel of experts to offer advice to the govt.

In addition to having medical & scientific experts… this panel should include a sociologist, psychologist, & historian.”


💉 are not enough

🧵 & study

H/T @edsuom


WHO on 💉 +


As a parent & voter

I demand you show me you know better

I demand action


#UnsafeSchools & Daycares


🛑 #CovidTroglodyte response

Stop risking

my child’s & my life & health

with this #InfectionMandate


If @SoniaFurstenau

& I as a parent

are showing

we know more on this than you,

you are showing me

you are a #CovidTroglodyte



Lead like @SoniaFurstenau

Speak up & act #OnPoli & #OntEd

🛑 #CovidTroglodyte response

More care with kids, not less

Protect children


Start with #MaskMandate in Schools & Daycares

1 in 4 #LongCovidKids



Lead like @SoniaFurstenau

Speak up & act #OnPoli & #OntEd

🛑 #CovidTroglodyte response

More care with kids, not less

Protect children

Start with #MaskMandate in Schools & Daycares




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