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Apr 26, 2022, 6 tweets

#Izyum Axis & ISW Map Update - Intense fighting continues to the south, west and east of Izyum. #Russian forces continue to drive S in an attempt to cut off logistics (Road/Rail) routes to #Sloviansk & #Kramatorsk. They are 10km from a critical rail (yellow arrow) S of Kurul’ka.

West of #Izyum intense fighting in the town of #Zavodye led to the #Russians being repelled. 🇷🇺 got as far as the middle of the town but has now been pushed out completely. A #Ukrainian Captain in the middle of the town shows a burning BMP-2. Geolocation & map in next tweet.

Geolocation of previous video courtesy of @GeoConfirmed. Also map of #Zavodye.

East of #Izyum a #Russian assault managed to push through #Ukrainian defense around the town of Yats’kivka and capture it. This makes the assault and capture of Oskil any moment a near certainty as it is now almost entirely isolated from reinforcements. 🇺🇦 will likely withdraw.

No updates from #Zarichne, where #Russia continues to control around half the town, or #Rubizhne where it controls around 70% of the city. Heavy fighting continued in both cities. 🇷🇺 needs to capture Rubizhne to encircle #Severodonetsk.

#Ukraine GenStaff confirms assault on #Avdiivka was repelled by #Ukrainian forces overnight. #Russia has been unable to breach #Ukrainian defense around the city despite multiple attempts.

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