N0rth0ftheW4ll 🇺🇲🇺🇦 Profile picture
Its always darkest before the sunrise....

May 4, 2022, 17 tweets

An intriguing piece of #OSINT was revealed in a tweet by Staci Burk days ago. Its not clear she realizes the possible significance. Days later she would receive another "credible threat" demanding she delete her twitter accnt & stop talking. Out of fear it appears she compiled.

In a recent @Propublica article about the #BigLie (Trump's continued fraudulent claim the 2020 election was stolen), Ms Burk is mentioned & implies she came up with some of the election lies. Burk posted a NEW late Nov. 2020 text 2 refute this & suggest she was used as a conduit

Turns out we grabbed this first screenshot and then moments later it was gone, then followed by another one that now redacted the word "Robyn" at the bottom. We figured she had just missed that redaction and wanted to correct it. But immediately the name "Epps" caught our eye.

There's been alot of interest in a certain Ray Epps from AZ by both the left & the right. Its still not entirely clear whats true & whats not. What does seem 2b true is he was part of the #Jan6th crowd at the Capitol, hes from Arizona & has a past association with the OathKeepers

If one is 2 assume that the phrase "home in ax" in the election fraud tip that was passed to Staci Burk in late Nov. 2020 is just a typo & the sender meant "AZ" ...it is very intriguing that the name Robyn Epps matches the name of Ray Epps' wife. @January6thCmte #SeditionHunters

Our prior thread on the new @propublica article which documents the genesis of some of the #BigLie conspiracies. We also mention a few issues we have & frankly are disappointed it did not advance the ball much in the overall scope of #Jan6th & the #BigLie

We can't help but notice some similarities between the Staci Burk & Tina Peters episodes related to the #BigLie and the influence and frankly psyops that may have been employed around both of these true believers at the time ... and maybe eventual patsies to the #BigLie leaders

Staci Burk, for her part, eventually suspected something was off, & luckily recorded and documented everything judiciously & and never got coerced into doing anything illegal. Last summer she apparently handed over valuable evidence to the @January6thCmte

Tina Peters also had a "security team" deployed around her with the cover story of protecting her from #Deepstate. Turns out she was likely a useful idiot & it appears was coerced into acts of illegality. Even with her pending court case General Flynn just endorsed her. #BigLie

At some point last spring or summer Staci Burk began to realize she had been used all along and got out of the #BigLie rabbit hole while the #AZaudit was ongoing at the time. She briefly posted this on her Facebook on Oct 1st. before taking it down again. More threats maybe?

Her followers were so taken aback by her post (grounded in reality I might add) that many were either concerned for her safety (did the #deepstate get to her) or thought her Facebook account has been hacked. It was of course neither of those things. #BigLie

Also to be clear I don't know that a "Robyn Epps" from AZ is necessarily connected to any of this … and its not clear Staci knows them at all. Just the person who sent the tip to Staci. I am going to bet heavily that the sender could be a fellow Oathkeeper though.

Well this just got interesting.

So this "Defendyourballot" stuff that @visionsurreal found is quite interesting. Turns out this Trump campaign initiative was quite successful in generating the "election fraud" narrative that would become the #BigLie. All around the election & days after it was a top viral link

From EIP "THE LONG FUSE: MISINFORMATION AND THE 2020 ELECTION" report DefendyourBallot is also discussed briefly. Highly recommend people read this report. One of the most comprehensive around the 2020 election. #BigLie

So just going to tack these next 2 videos here on the end as they relate to Mr Epps. U will see where the pic above in this thread comes from (video after this one). Its a good 2 video sequence provided by @MysteRayOfSun & shows some Proud Boy coordination

And the continuation of the assault on the first manned Police barrier is here where you eventually see Mr. Epps with Ryan Samsel who helps breach this barrier and assaults a female police officer.

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