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🌍Direct DNA/RNA analysis for anyone, anywhere 🧬Short to ultra-long reads in real-time for rapid insights 🔬Products for research use only

May 19, 2022, 13 tweets

Please take your seats for @gordon_sanghera's opening plenary of London Calling 2022. #nanoporeconf

GS: Lord Kelvin believed in meaningful measurement to see the whole picture. With nanopore sequencing you gain more comprehensive insights than ever before. #nanoporeconf

GS: In the 3 years since the last time we were at Old Billingsgate, @nanopore has released 200+ products, increased our single-molecule raw read accuracy from 95% to 99.6% & hugely improved our scalability & output. #nanoporeconf

GS: This has been reflected in the productivity of the community,. >1000 publications in 2021 – 3x as many as in 2019. You are working on high throughput human genomics projects, to individual samples from answer in critical care on the same day. #nanoporeconf

GS: Nanopore sequencing is the only platform to enable native #DNA & #RNA sequencing for comprehensive real-time SNP, SV AND methylation calling within a single data set in fully scalable formats from pocket to population. #nanoporeconf

GS: Nanopore sequencing is the only platform to enable native #DNA & #RNA sequencing for comprehensive real-time SNP, SV AND methylation calling within a single data set in fully scalable formats from pocket to population. #nanoporeconf

GS: This can be highlighted by a few quotes from members of the @nanopore community. @bioinfo_mark, @danrdanny, @GershmanAriel #nanoporeconf

GS: Scalability: sequencing devices that fit the tech to the biology. #nanoporeconf

GS: We can't not mention #COVID19. Critical work in public health contributing >1 million #SARSCoV2 genomes from 85 countries. The #nanopore community made, and is still making, a significant contribution when the world needed it most. #nanoporeconf

GS: We are still at the foothills of what this technology can do. From discovery science and translational research to the potential of translation to healthcare in many communities in the future. #nanoporeconf

GS: We have seen a strong community drive for broadening surveillance applications. This includes workflows for African Swine Fever, #TB, respiratory #metagenomics & routine pathogens such as #COVID19 and influenza #nanoporeconf

GS: Our goal has always been to enable the analysis of anything by anyone, anywhere. You can check out some examples here: nanoporetech.com/portable-seque… #anythinganyoneanywhere #nanoporeconf

Gordon officially opens the first day of talks by banging the same gong we used to celebrate @nanopore being listed in the London Stock Exchange. #nanoporeconf

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