@palmoildetectives@mastodonapp.uk - over there too Profile picture
An exciting non-profit news platform for creatives, scientists, concerned consumers and corporate corruption whistleblowers to #Boycott4Wildlife

Aug 4, 2022, 6 tweets

Happy #CloudedLeopardDay! #Sunda #cloudedleopards in #Sumatra #Borneo are declining from #palmoil and #timber #deforestation & illegal #poaching The Red List says there are 3,700-5,580 individuals alive (2020). Help them #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife palmoildetectives.com/2021/03/08/the…

#Cloudedleopards are #wildcats that live in #rainforests from the #Himalayas to SE Asia and southern #China. Considered a 'medium-sized cat', they weigh about 23 kilos. #CloudedLeopardDay #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife palmoildetectives.com/2021/01/19/asi…

Clouded #leopards get their name for their remarkable "clouds" on their coats. Their large paws make them agile climbers and hunters. Their main threat is #palmoil #deforestation. #CloudedLeopardDay2022 Help them and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife palmoildetectives.com/2021/02/09/bra…

Their enormous canines are the largest of all cats (in relation to body size). They are proper feline assassins! #InternationalCloudedLeopardDay. Fight back against extinction with your wallet and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife #CloudedLeopardDay palmoildetectives.com/category/the-p…

#Iban #Dayak people of #Borneo call the #cloudedleopard Remaung. A shape-shifting animal moving between leopard and human form. Legend likens the Remaung's beautiful appearance to a 'ladies man' who enjoys pursuing multiple women at once. #CloudedLeopardDay #Boycottpalmoil

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