Laurie Garrett Profile picture
Former Sr Fellow @CFR_org. Recipient of Pulitzer Prize, Polk (3Xs) and Peabody Awards. Author: IHeard theSirensScream, TheComingPlague, Ebola & BetrayalofTrust.

Sep 15, 2022, 7 tweets

The @WhiteHouse #monkeypox #MPX briefing was mostly very good news. New cases reports are way down across most of the US, and globally. But in the last week the demographics shifted, from a predominately white male outbreak to:
- 38% black men
- 25% Hispanic
- 26% white

About 540,000 doses of #Jynneos #vaccine have been admin'ed in USA, and some men are now getting their 2nd doses -- which are essential for effective protection.
But there is a mismatch.
While 38% of new cases are black men, only 12% of vax uptake is in that group.

The @CDCgov is shifting from from education/#vaccination campaigns at large gay pride events, to smaller, targeted efforts aimed at less-served groups.
Meanwhile, CDC says MPX "travels with" other STDs & #HIV -- 61% of diagnosed #monkeypox cases are co-infected.

Both the @NIH & @CDCgov have had to rob funds from other research and public health programs, as #Congress hasn't allocated special, requested #monkeypox funding. This is having some impact on #HIV and basic NIAID research funding.
At NIAID, research unfolds anyway.

There is only 1 poxvirus treatment -- TPOXX -- and no good data on whether, or how well, it works. Studies have just begun.
There is concern abt drug resistance -- as is always the case w/mutating viruses when just one type of drug is used. NIAID is tracking it.

The #Jynneos vax was invented for #smallpox & there is debate abt how well it actually works against #monkeypox, and at what doses. NIAID is starting clinical trials in both DR-Congo & the USA to study the efficacy of various vax doses, and TPOXX, vs placebos.

There was strong agreement among the @WhiteHouse leaders that the gay community, in particular, merits the bulk of credit for achievements to date in controlling #monkeypox -- education, sexual behavior changes, & close collaboration w/public health by #LGBTQIA = the key.

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