Hon. Amb. Prince Adesegun Samuel Egunjobi Profile picture
Founder | Brand ambassador | Award winner | Positive influence| Candidate Ondo State House of Assembly 2023 #Sugartainment #Rebuildafrika #YouthOClock

Oct 10, 2022, 8 tweets

My foremost appreciation goes to the International Human Right Commission @DrJoeAbah @AbdulAbmJ @officialABAT @PeterObi @YeleSowore @femigbaja @fkeyamo @renoomokri @FMHDSD
#Seamagenda #NigeriaDecide

and the Special Monitoring Mission, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for recognizing and endorsing the SEAM AGENDA 2023 as the Pathway to Youth Inclusion in Governance for effective and People Oriented representation in Nigeria and Africa at large.

The independence of Nigeria from colonial overlords after 62years is yet to reflect in the lives of the young generation, as many of them see Nigeria as a failed British experiment which is ripe for division.
#NigeriaDecides2023 #Election #Politics #Nigeria #Ondostate #Owo

The factors responsible for this notion among the young people is the attitude of the political leaders and other stakeholders through the policies they are formulating which is not reflecting positively in the lives of the people especially the youths.
#depression #Putin

The SEAM AGENDA Campaign Organization has demonstrated people Oriented leadership through engagement and meeting with people in the grassroots especially the under Privilege youths, women and children across the 6 wards that made up Owo Constituency II
#Seamagenda #africa

with pledge to deliver our campaign manifestoes If I emerge as the candidate with the highest vote in the 2023 Ondo State House of Assembly Election.

Join the African Democratic Congress to rescue our nations from the fangs of self servicing lawmakers and treasury looters.

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