and the Special Monitoring Mission, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for recognizing and endorsing the SEAM AGENDA 2023 as the Pathway to Youth Inclusion in Governance for effective and People Oriented representation in Nigeria and Africa at large.
The independence of Nigeria from colonial overlords after 62years is yet to reflect in the lives of the young generation, as many of them see Nigeria as a failed British experiment which is ripe for division. #NigeriaDecides2023#Election#Politics#Nigeria#Ondostate#Owo
The factors responsible for this notion among the young people is the attitude of the political leaders and other stakeholders through the policies they are formulating which is not reflecting positively in the lives of the people especially the youths. #depression#Putin
The SEAM AGENDA Campaign Organization has demonstrated people Oriented leadership through engagement and meeting with people in the grassroots especially the under Privilege youths, women and children across the 6 wards that made up Owo Constituency II #Seamagenda#africa
with pledge to deliver our campaign manifestoes If I emerge as the candidate with the highest vote in the 2023 Ondo State House of Assembly Election.
Join the African Democratic Congress to rescue our nations from the fangs of self servicing lawmakers and treasury looters.
@aonanuga1956 @jidesanwoolu @AKakanfo @KashimSM @AfDB_Group @AkinwunmiAmbode The recent statement of the Nigeria Government on the reversal of mother tongue policy in primary and secondary schools is a testimony that the labour of our heroes past is not in vain, and the hope of better Africa is alive.
@aonanuga1956 @jidesanwoolu @AKakanfo @KashimSM @AfDB_Group @AkinwunmiAmbode My experience growing up in Lagos where I started my basic education and secondary education before proceeding outside the state for tertiary education and other institutions of higher learning. It was a terrible experience being a Yoruba boy schooling in Yoruba land
In one of my many articles published across media channels some months ago, I cited the rising wave of insecurity across the length & breadth of Nigeria, & the need for the Government to be proactive to nipped it in the bud before the escalation across the 6 Geo-Political zones
As a patriotic citizen of Nigeria and visionary leader, I suggested measures the Federal Government of Nigeria can adopt to avert the imminent danger of widespread insecurity induced by hunger, frustration& hardship due to the current economic situation in the country. @KashimSM
@KashimSM For the past two weeks, News agencies and outlet working in the Northeastern part of Nigeria were reporting acts of terrorism, herders attacking farming communities, bandits threatening communities in the Northeast and Northwest.
@officialABAT @jidesanwoolu @renoomokri @realFFK
I believed that there is need for a man to look into his past and learn from the mistakes of the past that led to his present to determine the direction for his future.
Our actions, decisions and sacrifices of yesterday brought us here today, our dream is tomorrow
and we won't get here today without yesterday (YingYang).
Don't give up because you failed yesterday, failing is one of the ingredients for success. The more you failed yesterday, the more you are closer to your success today and tomorrow.
The global women healthcare contest is established to recognized, empower and reward those women and individuals who have been active in the provision of health services to the less privilege, and those women whose contributions to the SDGs cannot be denied, as they are icons.
and role model for the next generation and worth celebrating.
In all parts of the world, women are facing threats to their lives, health and well- being as a result of being overburdened with work and of their lack of power and influence. @unwomenafrica@unwomenNG@AU_WGYD
According to the African Development Bank @AfDB_Group, good governance should be built on a foundation of (I) effective states, (ii) mobilized civil societies, and (iii) an efficient private sector.
The key elements of good governance globally are accountability, transparency, combating corruption, citizen participation, and an enabling legal/judicial framework.
Youth Inclusiveness in Politics and business will set a Nation on a path of Sustainable Development and National Growth, as youths are inspiration, source of creation and inventions in every society.
The African Giant at 62 but still crawling like an infant due to retrogressive orientation of corrupt leaders and Mismanagement of common wealth.
On January 1, 1914, Lord Frederick Lugard, the governor of both the Northern Nigeria Protectorate and the Colony and Protectorate of Southern Nigeria, signed a document consolidating the two, thereby creating the Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria. #NigeriaAt62#Nigeria
Forty-six years later in 1960, Nigeria became an independent state.
The independence of Nigeria from colonial overlords after 62years is yet to reflect in the lives of the young generation, as many of them see Nigeria as a failed British experiment which is ripe for division.