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"One must know when to stop. Knowing when to stop averts trouble." - Lao Tzu -

Oct 21, 2022, 5 tweets

False flag?

Bombing their own pipeline, bridge and nuclear power plant, isn't enough self-destruction for Russia.
Now, Zelensky wants you to believe Russia will bomb Kakhovka hydro power plant, the destruction of which will cut off Crimea's water supply…

False flag?

Zelensky announced today that the target of Russia's next "terrorist attack" will be Kakhovka hydro-electric power plant. Zelensky admits this attack would mean Crimea losing its water supply but says it's because Russia knows they wont keep Crimea and don't care

False flag?

Today, Zelensky, to affirm he's telling the truth about Russia's impending bombing of Kakhovka hydro-electric power plant (which is under Russian control), tells us how Russia "organizes sabotage on underwater gas pipelines".


False flag?

Makes perfect sense

20 Oct: Ukraine attacks Kakhovka hydro-electric power plant (HPP) with Tochka-U and HIMARS

21 Oct: Zelensky announces that Russia is planning to blow up Kakhovka HPP which is under Russian control…

False flag?

US and their allies would never bomb a dam and risk civilian lives?

Well, they did. In 2017, in Syria, and US even denied that they were responsible calling the allegations "crazy reporting".…
#Ukraine #Russia #Kherson #Thread

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