jeroen blokland Profile picture
Founder of the Blokland Smart Multi-Asset Fund, a future-proof portfolio that invests in a smart combination of scarce assets, Quality Stocks, Gold, and Bitcoin

Nov 3, 2022, 5 tweets

On the #FederalReserve hawkish pivot 1/n

It's about the destination now
Forget the speed of rate hikes
Focus on the terminal rate and
how long the Fed must stay there

= how much cumulative pain is needed to crush #inflation

Powell: 'If we were to overtighten, we could use our tools to support the economy later on.'

Or in other words, we are willing to risk a #recession to get the 'job done' and push #inflation to target.

Interesting end to the presser with one journalist stating #equities were up after #FOMC - which was not true -

Powell repeated virtually all hawkish sentences he had made during the press conference. He cares about (tighter) financial conditions, not about equities.

Equities and risky assets fell, but again there was no capitulation. Death by a thousand cuts.

Yet, we are now really close to a significant and broad-based decline in #inflation numbers, meaning another pivot dream is already in the making.

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