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China specialist focused on 🇪🇺#EU-🇨🇳#China l Head of Brussels Office at @merics_eu l Founder of @euchinahub l Alumnus @UniofOxford @PKU1898 @JagiellonskiUni

Nov 3, 2022, 15 tweets

#China struggles to pursue #foreignpolicy and great power #diplomacy

Jia Qingguo (CPPCC's Foreign Affairs Committee) sees 3 causes:

📍Contradiction China’s identity vs interests
📍Inability to process own rapid growth
📍Own unique features

Let's unpack his piece🧵

📌Who is he?

One of 🇨🇳 top foreign policy advisers

📍Member of Standing Committee of National Committee of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
📍Member of CPPC's Foreign Affairs Council
📍Former dean of Peking University's School of International Studies [2/15]

📍China's confusing foreign policy choices often stem from conflicted identities, which are subject of domestic debate
📍China still lacks understanding of outside world
📍Consensus on need for assertiveness & preventing containment but debate on how to do it [3/15]

📍Despite constraints of Xi's system, there is still push for more open (but controlled!) exchanges with foreigners (potentially in two-tier system - restricting access to decision makers)
📍Healthy dose of skepticism on whether this finds receptive audience in top circles [4/15]

📌Challenge #1
Contradiction identity vs interests (身份和利益在多方面的双重性和矛盾性) #矛盾

📍Identity conflict - depending on area, China is simultaneously:
* Developed and developing country
* Powerful and weak/dependent
* Rich and poor
* Ordinary power and superpower [5/15]

📍The debate on China's rise has not been settled domestically

📍 "In a nutshell, China is neither a pre-rise China nor a post-rise China, but a China that is both and neither"
概括而言,它既不是崛起前的中国,也不是崛起后的中国,而是一个两者兼有之又两者都不完全是的中国 [6/15]

📍"Identity determines interest. The duality of China's identity in many aspects determines the duality and contradiction of its interests"


[kind of #Marxist #constructivism] [7/15]

📍Example: #climate policies in which China negotiates between its developing/developed country identities: right to #development vs. energy conservation and reduction of #emissions

📍Similarly: The diplomatic goal of a stronger should be... [8/15]

to make the world (if not the #US, then everyone else) more at ease with an idea of a powerful China.

📍Especially, that as a "future #superpower" China needs to ensure that the international order makes maintaining power cost-efficient. He cites US story as inspiration. [9/15]

📍But as #China still in many regards has an identity of a weak actor, it can respond overly forcefully to pressure from a word that it doesn't understand well enough (see point 2).

📍Consequently China creates even more strategic distrust (counter to key objective). [10/15]

📌Challenge #2: Overly rapid #growth

📍China has rapid growth in strength, has not been accompanied by equally rapid development of human capital necessary for dealing with external world

📍Launch of #BRI has been in many regards a learning exercise [11/15]

📌Challenge #3: Unique system

📍China's uniqueness stems from its: population, economic might, long and distinct culture, political system

📍 The #West is unable to accept China's rise (accommodate it in the international system) and is trying to contain China [12/15]

📍But Jia sees a considerable problem with the system - how closed the academic and expert exchanges have become. This hinders China's ability to understand the world and also to impact it.

📍For this point he leverages Xi's own slogan asking... [13/15] can you tell China's story well, if you don't talk with your counterpart?

📍Still, he doesn't call for full openness, but rather a two-tier system where only those not privy to Party-State secrets should be free to engage with foreigners and then report back. [14/15]

In full [15/15]

Jia Qingguo: A Stronger China and Great Power Diplomacy in the New Era


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