Kurt Phillips🧛‍♂️ Profile picture
Founder of ARC and board member @antihateca https://t.co/pjGWDywuYE Swag: https://t.co/2fuNot0ieF Socials: @arccollective.bsky.social

Nov 3, 2022, 46 tweets

1. When I did the timeline on Pat King's involvement in the #OttawaOccupation (link below) I didn't include a lot of what I had.

In retrospect there was a lot that I should have included, thus here are with Part II

2. And once again to set the mood and contradicting the "ah shucks, I'm really a nice guy" and "teddy bear" persona Pat has cultivated, here he is during a summer a few years back telling people he is not a nice person and saying he has a record the size of his arm.

3. Based on a redacted intel report during the occupation which is clearly Pat King, this admission might be one of the few things he has said about himself that is accurate.


5. So, back to Ottawa in the early days of 2022.

On January 30, Pat King was still ridding high from his heroes welcome the day before on his arrival. He blames disorganization in the city on Ottawa and says occupiers are not going to leave.

6. On February 1 Pat claims to have helped move as many as 80 truck into the city. He tells his viewers his plan for honking horns and further exclaims how much fun they are having.

7. Later that day he talks about setting up the "command centre" and comments on the Prime Minister's intellect.

He believes his bad WiFi is proof that "they" are trying to silence him.

Continues talk of moving in trucks and honking. Pat says he is having the time of his life.

8. February 3, 2022 and we are treated to the Conspiracy Hour from Pat as he inadvertently shares with us he doesn't know what "conflict of interest" means.

9. Did you know Brian Mulroney owns Air Canada? I'm sure that is news to all, including Mulroney.

Pat is still very salty about being denied his flight in November 2021.

10. February 4, there is an anti-Trudeau screed as well as claiming the Liberals won as a result of election fraud.

11. February 6, Pat King shares a video that he actually thinks make the #OttawaOccupiers look good. He further pleads with the police to disobey orders and to join the occupation.

12. The occupiers have been peaceful and are in fact the victims of the residents of Ottawa who are big meanies!

13. Later the same night on January 6, Pat asks more people to flood into the city but to bring jerricans.

14. Laughs about the police not being in control of the situation in city which, to be fair in this case, was 100% no lie (which when referring to Pat King seems a strange thing to write).

15. After the stream from the Patrick King.. er... command centre/war room/AirBnB, Pat walks around downtown.

There is contact with police here.


17. Now on February 7 we have our first effort to refute one of the videos he made in which he claimed FN culture "was a disgrace." He also claims indigenous heritage of which there is 0 evidence other than Pat King's word and, well, what is THAT worth?

18. Here is King's testimony yesterday in which he tries to explain his "disgrace" comment.

19. Again, @antihateca did not receive $45 million from the government.

20. If the people in Ottawa don't like the noise, they can just stay home.

21. Now this next one is interesting and is in relation to this incident.


22. Pat King asks his supporters to stop issuing death threats towards the operator which indicates that in spite of his claims of "love and light" that he was well aware that threats were being made.

23. However the next day on February 9, Pat was suggesting that the tow truck operator could be "a rat" because he spoke to the CBC (about 5:30) while still acknowledging the death threats he was receiving. Pat blames the trolls (aka antifa) and the victim for his own harassment.

24. Now we come to another bit of contradictory testimony yesterday regarding the "slow roll" of the Ottawa Airport on February 10. Pat King claimed that people were not hindered in their movement and one lane was kept open.

25. How does his testimony compare to what actually happened today?

If you looked at yesterday's thread and up to now on this one, you probably could already guess.

26. And rather than taking a drive because "they were bored" it looks like Pat King had a very clear motivation for his "slow roll" of the Ottawa Airport.

That would be revenge.

27. In a rather remarkable delusion, Pat seems to think the staff of Air Canada whom they are terribly inconveniencing are on the occupiers' side.

28. And here is the homophobic rape "joke" of which Trudeau is the target.

Because remember Pat says that he and his supporters are "good people."

29. Now people know about the Ottawa Airport, but they might not realize that on February 10, the convoy left the airport to cause a traffic jam on the 417.

Pat King basically admits they are holding the city hostage until their demands are met.

30. He suggests students mass walk-outs of their schools in support of the occupiers.

This, not surprisingly, didn't happen.

31. In responding to a woman who wrote a comment on his live feed that those truckers that don't agree with this don't want to be made to look bad. Pat responds that it is the truckers who don't support the occupation who look bad.

32. By February 11, Pat King was angry about loosing one of his Facebook profiles, though he suggests this was done because "they" were afraid of him.

33. The airing of grievances continued that afternoon when he said he was going to sue the CBC (for reasons I guess?) and would start his own social media platform.

Try not to laugh too hard at that last claim.

34. Because gifters gotta grift, on February 12 Pat King and others shared their crypto currency scam that they guaranteed would make the truckers a lot of money should they invest.

35. For all intents and purposes, this really is a crypto infomercial.

36. Honestly I think I would feel safer with leaving my investments in the hands of Charles Ponzi than I would any of these dorks.

37. Here is MY financial tip.

If someone tells you that investing with them is like going to a casino but that your number comes up every time and how much you will get depends on how much yo out in, run. Don't look back. Run and salt the soil behind you.

38. By February 13 Pat was running on very little sleep and the paranoia was really seeping in. Continued to complain about @antihateca. Made claims about 1000 "secret service" agents and MI6 going after the truckers in Ottawa.

39. As an aside, James Bond would be bored out of his skull having his talents wasted in Ottawa. Also, is there a place in Ottawa that makes a decent martini?

40. Later on February 13, Pat minimizes the efforts of the counter-protesters who he has claimed were bussed in and not Ottawa residents.

It is all a conspiracy I tells ya!

41. Pat is becoming increasingly divorced from reality on February 14. Talks about Coutts and encourages American supporters to go to the Montana border to help with the blockade.

42. On February 15, Pat King tells occupiers that the letters they received from the @OttawaPolice warning them of an impending action were fake and for people to stay put. Encourages people to honk in violation of the court order.

43. February 17, the tension hits a bit of a boiling point. Things are not going well. People are angry and fingers are pointed.

44. Which finally brings us to February 18 and Pat King livestreaming his own arrest.

45. So with that, I think that really is enough of Pat King.

Hopefully he slides into obscurity.

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