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Insides, investigations, information from the Kremlin. Stories of murders, terrorist attacks, political reprisals.

Nov 8, 2022, 10 tweets

Dear subscribers and guests of the channel! As of yesterday evening, #Russian President Vladimir #Putin's visit to the #G20BaliSummit was under discussion. Until recently, Putin considered it necessary to be personally present at the summit.

Going to an event of this caliber is meant to demonstrate to elites inside #Russia and foreign doubters that #Putin is active despite problems, confident of victory, acceptable as a negotiating partner for some world leaders (not a total outcast), and...

capable of influencing and supporting in solving problems of hunger and humanitarian missions for the poorest countries. And just to be accepted in society by 20 leaders of world powers is already raising #Putin's trampled authority a little higher than the plinth.

And this is not to mention the opportunity to personally communicate with #Biden, #XiJingping, #Scholz or, at worst, with #Macron. #Putin really knows how to win over people and still counts on his charm. He categorically did not want to meet with #Zelensky.

But this meeting can hardly take place within the framework of the summit. The main problem for #Putin to participate in such events is security. It is impossible to provide a proper level, at least comparable with those measures that are organized in #Russia, in Bali.

The risk of becoming an object of assassination increases significantly. But even this is not stopping the President of #Russia now and does not make it possible to make a decision on participation in the summit, there is another, more real reason.

A few weeks ago, #Putin received a report from the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), which contained information about the desire of one of the leaders of the countries, a participant in the summit, to hit Vladimir Putin in the face with an open palm in a personal meeting.

This move should demonstrate his attitude towards #Putin as a war criminal and scoundrel. Moreover, this person said, quite openly in his circle, that he was ready to seek a personal meeting with Putin at the summit, even bypassing the protocol.

The information was presented to #Putin as unambiguously corresponding to reality, intentions and plans and confirmed by several other sources. Putin is not ready to risk being humiliated by receiving a public slap in the face.

Now, including through the organizers of the summit, #Putin is trying to get guarantees not to intersect with his possible offender, but so far, there are no unequivocal guarantees, and in this case, the risk, according to the #Russian President, is not justified.

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