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Spiritually bridged & Shitposter Alchemist / Retired DJ & Co-founder @vc_strvcture

Nov 8, 2022, 27 tweets


Missed the 7000$ Aptos Airdrop?

LayerZero’s token $ZRO is just around the corner 👀

Here's EVERYTHING you need to qualify for a huge $ZRO #Airdrop💰🧵


TL;DR 🎙️

@LayerZero_Labs is an upcoming Omnichain protocol w/ interoperability that actually works

Backed by giants like @binance, @FTX_Official, and @coinbase it will allow developers to build truly cross-chain #dApps with ease

@LayerZero_Labs @binance @FTX_Official @coinbase 3/

What I'll covered in this thread

🔸Goerli $ETH and Fuji $AVAX testnets
🔸Play with #dApps

@LayerZero_Labs @binance @FTX_Official @coinbase 4/

L0 🕸️

@LayerZero_Labs is a User Application (UA) configurable on-chain endpoint that runs a ULN

As an omnichain interoperability protocol, it is designed for lightweight messages passing across chains 🌐

It will allow for truly cross-chain dApps ✅

@LayerZero_Labs @binance @FTX_Official @coinbase 5/

At launch, LayerZero plans to support $ETH, $MATIC, $BNB, $AVAX, @arbitrum, and $OP.

It has huge backers, raising a massive $135m 🏛️

@ftx, @coinbase, @PayPal, @a16, @sequoia Capital, and more

@LayerZero_Labs @binance @FTX_Official @coinbase @arbitrum @ftx @PayPal @a16 @sequoia 6/

The Why❓

➡️ LayerZero to send messages relies on 2 on-chain endpoints: the Oracle and the Relayer

➡️ No need to keep every block header in order thanks to decentralized oracles

This enables easy access and seamless composability to all supported chains ⛓

@LayerZero_Labs @binance @FTX_Official @coinbase @arbitrum @ftx @PayPal @a16 @sequoia 7/

Will there be a token ❓

The real token ticker for @LayerZero_Labs is $ZRO💰💰

🚫Not listed yet

🎥 For now, $ZRO is only viewable on their information code

@LayerZero_Labs @binance @FTX_Official @coinbase @arbitrum @ftx @PayPal @a16 @sequoia 8/

How to get $ZRO #airdrop 📑

First, we need to register both the Goerli $ETH testnet and the Fuji testnet for $AVAX 🔺

Go to chainlist.org

Connect the wallet and type Fuji in the search bar
(make sure to have the testnet on)

Click on add it to metamask 🦊

@LayerZero_Labs @binance @FTX_Official @coinbase @arbitrum @ftx @PayPal @a16 @sequoia 9/

The Goerli testnet is already baked into Metamask, if you can't see it, open the list of chains and click on Show/hide test networks and toggle it on

Now, we can move to the next step of getting faucet tokens to bridge them 🌐

@LayerZero_Labs @binance @FTX_Official @coinbase @arbitrum @ftx @PayPal @a16 @sequoia 10/

Bridge time 💸

We're gonna use different bridges In order to more likely position ourselves in a potential airdrop wallet list

First, go to


@LayerZero_Labs @binance @FTX_Official @coinbase @arbitrum @ftx @PayPal @a16 @sequoia 11/

Once here, scroll to the bottom and click on faucet $USDC, this will bring you to USDC faucet and will give you chains to select

Click on $ETH, paste your address and then click on Tweet and follow

It will make you post a tweet, allow it, and copy the URL of the tweet

@LayerZero_Labs @binance @FTX_Official @coinbase @arbitrum @ftx @PayPal @a16 @sequoia 12/

Paste the URL, follow @usdcpatron, and after the captcha, you can finally submit and receive your faucet $USDC after some minutes

Now we need Gas⛽

go to faucet.avax.network

Connect your wallet and request 2 $AVAX

They'll arrive shortly 🔺

@LayerZero_Labs @binance @FTX_Official @coinbase @arbitrum @ftx @PayPal @a16 @sequoia @usdcpatron 13/

goerlifaucet.com is the next stop

log yourself, paste your wallet and click on send me $ETH

This too will take some minutes

@LayerZero_Labs @binance @FTX_Official @coinbase @arbitrum @ftx @PayPal @a16 @sequoia @usdcpatron 14/

We're all set for bridging 👇

Go back to usdcdemo.layerzero.network/bridge

Bridge some of those faucet $USDC from Goerli $ETH to Fuji $AVAX

Bridge on the way back as well

@LayerZero_Labs @binance @FTX_Official @coinbase @arbitrum @ftx @PayPal @a16 @sequoia @usdcpatron 15/

Next bridge is the one from @StargateFinance

Go to stargate.finance/transfer

bridge around some funds and move to stargate.finance/pool and add liquidity

While you're here buy some $STG and stake it at stargate.finance/stake

@LayerZero_Labs @binance @FTX_Official @coinbase @arbitrum @ftx @PayPal @a16 @sequoia @usdcpatron @StargateFinance 16/

After you stake $STG make sure to vote on proposals of the #DAO whenever one's available


Create an account to not look like a bot too

@LayerZero_Labs @binance @FTX_Official @coinbase @arbitrum @ftx @PayPal @a16 @sequoia @usdcpatron @StargateFinance 17/

Next bridge is bridge.liquidswap.com from @PontemNetwork

Bridge some tokens from @Aptos_Network to an EVM-compatible chain and vice-versa

@LayerZero_Labs @binance @FTX_Official @coinbase @arbitrum @ftx @PayPal @a16 @sequoia @usdcpatron @StargateFinance @PontemNetwork @Aptos_Network 19/

Future onboarded protocols 🔎

Here's a short list of some more protocols that will adopt @LayerZero_Labs tech

Might be worth some airdrop points using them, or checking them for testnet versions

@LayerZero_Labs @binance @FTX_Official @coinbase @arbitrum @ftx @PayPal @a16 @sequoia @usdcpatron @StargateFinance @PontemNetwork @Aptos_Network 20/

First, there's @rage_trade, a perpetual #DEX that will tap into $ZRO technology to source liquidity from multiple protocols and different chains

@LayerZero_Labs @binance @FTX_Official @coinbase @arbitrum @ftx @PayPal @a16 @sequoia @usdcpatron @StargateFinance @PontemNetwork @Aptos_Network @rage_trade @tapioca_dao 22/

@InterSwap_idefinesne itself as a composable native asset cross-chain AMM with unified liquidity built on top of the LayerZero network

@LayerZero_Labs @binance @FTX_Official @coinbase @arbitrum @ftx @PayPal @a16 @sequoia @usdcpatron @StargateFinance @PontemNetwork @Aptos_Network @rage_trade @tapioca_dao 23/

The list goes on, some more names:

🔻 @MugenFinance - omnichain yield aggregator

🔻 @hashflow - next upcoming launch by @binance launchpool

🔻 @OmniBTC - also focusing on $SUI and $APT

🔻 @AngleProtocol, @LzDomains, Clearpool, Radiant

The ecosystem is already huge 🔥🌐

@LayerZero_Labs @binance @FTX_Official @coinbase @arbitrum @ftx @PayPal @a16 @sequoia @usdcpatron @StargateFinance @PontemNetwork @Aptos_Network @rage_trade @tapioca_dao @MugenFinance @hashflow @OmniBTC @AngleProtocol @LzDomains 24/

It's also good for #airdrop points to repeat these actions more times in multiple days 🗓️

If you want to try and catch that $ZRO airdrop, everything can count, and the investments in @LayerZero_Labs, the tech, and the great partnership foresee a good upcoming gem💎

@LayerZero_Labs @binance @FTX_Official @coinbase @arbitrum @ftx @PayPal @a16 @sequoia @usdcpatron @StargateFinance @PontemNetwork @Aptos_Network @rage_trade @tapioca_dao @MugenFinance @hashflow @OmniBTC @AngleProtocol @LzDomains 25/

@LayerZero_Labs is THE ONLY official account of LayerZero Labs

DON'T CLICK any link to #airdrops given by similar but different accounts 🔴

There are a lot of fake accounts going around posting malevolous links with wallet drainers

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