Workers' Group EESC Profile picture
The Workers' Group of the @EU_EESC comprises representatives from national trade unions, confederations and sectoral federations. ►

Dec 14, 2022, 5 tweets

'2022 wasn't an easy year for the Union for the #Mediterranean. High #unemployment, #ClimateEmergency, #food and #energy #safety... But we are advancing, also on regional dialogue on #GenderEquality'

Álvaro Albacete @UfMSecretariat at #EESCplenary debate

'EU relationships with its southern neighbourhood is based on the two most powerful engines: geography and history. #Euromed has great potential, but faces also massive challenges in terms of #climate and #demography'

Josep Ferré @AnnaLindh at #EESCplenary debate

'How do we promote cooperation between EU and countries of southern #Mediterranean, ensuring respect for #democracy, human and Workers' rights? We see from experience in some situations we are not even allowed to talk about human rights'

@AknoMag #EESCplenary debate #Euromed

'Since the spring the EU has renewed its strategic cooperation in the Mediterranean area. This programme is essential for the economic recovery in the region, and should be closely tied to environmental and social objectives'

Ozlem Yildirim @lacgtcommunique at #EESCplenary

'I want to refer to the value of civil society and the need to defend human rights and #decentwork. Moreover, since we talk about women empowerment it is essential to remember that the digital divide in the Mediterranean area has very much a female face'

@IsblCano #EESCplenary

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