The Workers' Group of the @EU_EESC comprises representatives from national trade unions, confederations and sectoral federations.
Oct 16, 2024 • 25 tweets • 10 min read
🚨 We’re live! Join us for "Computer in Command: Do the Consequences of Algorithmic Management Require EU Action?"
Tune in to discuss the impact of #AIatWork on job quality, worker surveillance, and more!
"AI will transform the workplace. Its use will lead to job reorganization and job displacement. Some studies predict that low-wage workers are 14 times more likely to be affected than higher earners"
Lucie Studničná | @WorkersEESC #AIatwork
Dec 15, 2022 • 9 tweets • 11 min read
'Every year should be the year of youth. Their figures double the normal unemployment in Europe, and in some member states the situation is worse. And then they often lack proper working conditions, harming their living conditions'
'#Traineeships are great as a transition to the labour market. But multiplication of traineeships are not a substitute for proper employment. And traineeships are a learning opportunity, not a tool for cheap labour'
The general movement of the gender equality in the labour market is positive but it is moving slowly.
The speed of closing the gender gap must be much higher than what we have seen in recent years. Ivailo Kalfin @eurofound on #GenderEquality#EESCPlenary
This year, the amount of investment going to female-led startups has gone down from 3% a few years ago to 1% last year.
Diversity outperforms every single time and yet we are not backing diversity. Kinga Stanislawska #EESCPlenary#GenderEquality
Álvaro Albacete @UfMSecretariat at #EESCplenary debate
'EU relationships with its southern neighbourhood is based on the two most powerful engines: geography and history. #Euromed has great potential, but faces also massive challenges in terms of #climate and #demography'