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Dec 29, 2022, 23 tweets

Currently, another struggle for supremacy between USA and Russia in a 'Cold war 2' is happening.

A 🧵looking into 4 possible pivots that could exacerbate WWIII
USA vs China
EU-US-UK-NATO vs Russia
France vs Germany
BRICS vs US hegemony
#UK #US #EU #abolishNATO #Ukraine #Russia

1) The China pivot. Western governments and their stenographers in the corporate media always claim China is supposedly a "threat" carrying out "aggression"

What we are almost never shown is a map of the 41 US military bases surrounding China and creating trade choke points

The US claims justification of their 41 bases due to Chinese long-range missiles being able to attack Asian countries and even Australia, but why build bases all over the pacific and Asia..?

A massive choke point in the worlds semiconductor market exists whereby China and US investment companies want to control, and the majority of these semiconductor factories only exist in Taiwan/Japan/China

China has risen rapidly to become a superpower and is now close to being on an even-footing with the US.

Since 1978 - when the country began to open up its economy in the wake of Chairman Mao's death - China's GDP has risen an average of roughly 10% every year. US hegemony 📉

Around the Sth China Sea, there are many countries all with their own claims and own interests to defend. The South China Sea is vital to China. It is a net importer of energy and food so control over the waterway could be a matter of survival. It needs to keep those routes open.

China's growth has not gone unnoticed. And its rivals have started teaming up.

The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, an alliance between the US, Japan, India and Australia est. in 2017

The AUKUS pact between the US, UK and Australia to address issues in the South China Sea

US military spending is around $800Billion per year whilst China's is around $290 Billion, combined nato spending is $1.2 trillion

WATCH 👀: The Coming War on China (John Pilger) reveals what the news doesn’t – that the world’s greatest military power, the United States, and the world’s second economic power, China, both nuclear-armed, may well be on the road to war.

2) EU-US-UK-NATO vs Russia. Geopolitics never ends, it sleeps for a while and it slept for 30 years to awake in 2021, as the US/NATO military-industrial complex quagmired Russia into a proxy war in Ukraine to try to weaken or destroy Russia economically and militarily

UN condemnation, Washington DC, Brussels and the city of London start seizing assets, imposing financial, economic and industrial sanctions in various areas such as SWIFT payments on Russia, this only destroys the economy of Germany which is reliant on cheap Russian energy

Phase 1 of 🇷🇺 SMO: Kiev double bluff splitting 100,000 troops into 2, taking the Donbas, Azov sea and azovstal
Phase 2 of 🇷🇺 SMO: Secure Kherson, Donbas, Zaporiznhi, destroy key transport, weapons and military
Phase 3 of 🇷🇺 SMO: Grind out Bakhmut, destroy energy and just wait..!

It's not as simple as 'Russia invaded Ukraine'. This is a deep complex wrestle for the power of Ukraine between 3 factions. The Nazi Banderites, the US-funded Melnyk and Russia defending themselves from the Banderites and Melnyk. What happens to Ukraine in 2023 could go any way

If the US stops funding the Ukraine war, the OUN M controlled Gov will collapse giving way to OUN B and/or a civil war or possible war with Poland, Hungary, Belarus or Russia as they seek to secure their countries and destroy the threat of the Banderites left with US weapons

3) France vs Germany in terms of economic, energy, resources, military and many other ways has always been a battleground between these 2 nations and being in the EU has been no different. Since Brexit and the war in Ukraine, the cracks have begun to show even more

When the world is reverting to renewable energy. France went nuclear and Germany stuck with coal, Biomass and importing cheap Russian energy as a way to power their energy grid which has only strengthened France's position within the EU whilst Germany's economy is shutting down

A stronger French-German Alliance would be bad for US hegemony and good for EU protectionism going forward. The US plan to destabilize a big competitor the EU was via The German sanctions placed on Russia for its involvement in the proxy war they set up in Ukraine with NATO

Has France, Germany and the EU only just realized just what the US is doing in Ukraine and the detrimental effect it has had on Europe and the huge profits from war it is making as well as destabilizing whilst monopolizing the energy of European nations too

France and Germany have both challenged the US on separate occasions for the worlds hegemony and even currency in protectionist ways before, so a strong EU controlled by the French and Germany will always be competition to the US hegemony

Russian Security Council chief Dmitry Medvedev stated in his new years eve tweet as a joke that Germany and France would go to war with one another. Which not only caused the 2 nations to show a stronger unity with one another but would also be damaging for the US

3 Big superpowers fighting amongst themselves for the control of the EU

France, Germany and the USA in shaping of the new Europe

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