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Feb 9, 2023, 5 tweets

☀️Kim Jong-un and his daughter attended the 2023 nuclear missile parade.
#NorthKorean #Nuclear #KimJongUn

The newest nuclear missiles of the DPRK, including the Hwasong-17, were on display at the parade.
#NorthKorean #Nuclear #KimJongUn

Some clips from 2023 DPRK Nuclear parade.
#NorthKorean #Nuclear #KimJongUn

The DPRK rolled out 10 to 12 Hwasong-17 ICBMs during military parade in Pyongyang on Wednesday night to mark 75 years since the establishment of its armed forces. Photos were published by the country’s news agency

Looks like North Korea had a buffet on the night of nuclear parade with all ICBMs at full display.
#USA #Europe #EU #Northkorea #China #ICBM

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