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Mar 2, 2023, 17 tweets

By passing Fair Workweek legislation, CO strengthens its #economy & #workforce

Advanced scheduling allows workers to prioritize our families

VOTE YES on #HB1118 this #coleg

🚨Join me &
in House, Business & Labor @ the #colorado capitol 🚨#copolitics

We are hearing the bill today for ACTION only as we heard tones of testimony last week for #fairworkweek

By passing Fair Workweek legislation, Colorado strengthens its economy and workforce. #copolitics

We are voting on predictable schedules for working Coloradans olordans

Thank you again sponsors @EmilyForCO & @SerenaForCO are wrapping up with the committee - on the importance of predictable schedules & why #workers deserve fair work week

All workers that testified were in SUPPORT of fair work week #copolitics

By passing Fair Workweek legislation, everyone wins. Advanced scheduling allows workers to prioritize the needs of their families while businesses benefit from a productive and committed workforce.

Tell your legislator to VOTE YES on #HB1118 this #coleg

13.9% of the private sector would be a part of this bill #fairworkweek

@SerenaForCO is talking about Maria - who worked every day, had threats when she said "no"

"I didn't feel respected as a person" Maria said #copolitics

@SerenaForCO references a report from @ColoradoFiscal - which is referenced here:…

#childcare is deeply impacted when shift workers are held over - which happens because they don't have protections #copolitics

@SerenaForCO continues "I am also here to represent the Latino community across the state... last time we were here we asked you to think about who heard from in the lobby & what you heard workers say"

"we heard tons of testimony from ppl who are not even covered by this bill"

ONLY 2.5% of the OPPOSITION that testified in committee would have been impacted by #fairworkweek - being swayed by that is not listening to #workers of #Colorado

#copolitics #families need predictable schedules & have protections in their work places

Sponsor @EmilyForCO is up:

"this coalition spent time and intention on this policy - we had a worker caucus who met every wk for months - they power-mapped, they spent time on research in local and model policy" #copolitics

"we agreed with workers and our coalition to NOT pass an amendment that would cut out members of our community that need these basic protections...

Knowing where you are and where we are - we ask that you VOTE as is... the misinformation spread life wild fire" says @EmilyForCO

Closing comments from @RepRyanArmagost

"This is the bill that I have gotten the move emails from in my district... at a work at will state - you have the ability to be fired at will... there are the bad actors... I am a no for today" #copolitics


@javier_mabrey says "workers can't come to this building as easily as it is for a lobbyist to get down here - I was a restaurant worker, I know what it's like to go to school, work multiple jobs & not know how to find balance"

He is an astounding YES #copolitics

@lisa_frizell is reading an email from a worker or workers that did not make it to the capitol to testify

She also says to consider employees with disabilities - but, we know that families with ppl w/ disabilities absolutely need predictability #copolitics

She is a NO & @WSLindstedt is also a NO - he doesn't think that #fairworkweek solves the issues it points out

Rep. Taggart is talking about his experience with big businesses "the common theme from business is - they care about their ppl" he votes NO

Rep. Sheila Lieder gives a strong YES & says that we should all give this bill a chance to the committee as a whole - she remembers being a mom & being charged for late pick up - she knows that #workers need predictable schedules & a #fairworkweek

Thank you Rep!

@NaquettaR is a NO - she says she thinks restaurant industries need something else

@RepWeinberg is a NO

@JudyAmabileHD49 - former business owner of 25 yrs said (disappointed) - NO after really taking time to consider this bill - she wants to continue the conversation


We’d like to thank HB-1118’s sponsors @EmilyForCO and @SerenaForCO for championing a Fair Workweek!

And special gratitude to coalition members and key partners that fought hard for workers’ rights this #coleg

Our movement is STRONG. Our movement is PERSISTENT.

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