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Mar 7, 2023, 5 tweets

NEW | The Battle of #Bakhmut may severely degrade the Wagner Group’s best forces, depriving #Russia of some of its most effective and most difficult-to-replace shock troops. Read the update from CTP and @TheStudyofWar :…

#Russian forces continued to conduct ground attacks northwest of #Svatove and near #Kreminna.

#Russian forces secured territorial gains in #Bakhmut but have not yet encircled the city or forced #Ukrainian forces to withdraw.

#Russian forces continue struggling to maintain fire control over the #Dnipro River Delta in #Kherson Oblast.

#Zaporizhia Oblast occupation official Vladimir Rogov claimed on March 6 that #Ukrainian forces have massed 12,000 troops for an offensive push towards the Sea of #Azov coastline in late March or early April.

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