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Mar 29, 2023, 13 tweets


An out and out Anti India document full of lies ..!!!


1. Amnesty International the so-called UK-based "World's Best NGO" published its annual human rights report which Amnesty international deems as unbiased and truthful. When one goes through it, it reeks of selective hypocritic lopsided details full of politically correct……

2. Exactly three days after the expulsion of Congress MP Rahul Gandhi from the parliament basis his conviction in a defamation case filed against him is the court at Surat, Gujarat, this report has been released by Amnesty International dubbing a Parliament of India advisory to……

2(a) Last year Parliament of India Secretariat issued a booklet with a list of Unparliamentary words which all MPs shall refrain from using during debates and discussions in the house.

2(b) Post this advisory booklet issued by the Parliament secretariat, opposition MPs had gone ballistic and mocked the government for implementing such a rule. Because all of them felt rudderless after getting bereft of their most potent weapon against the government and that was……

3. In a blind spiteful analysis #AmnestyInternational mentions a terrorist organization like #PFI as #NGO and Leftist anti-India funded non-profits like #Oxfam and #CPR (Center for Policy Research) as free-spirited Independent media organizations tormented allegedly by the……

4. In a shameless exhibition of the so-called independent unbiased research and activism, the #AmnestyInternational report has some very laughable and fictional ascriptions to some very dreaded anti-India elements.
1. Aakar Patel former head of Amnesty International India is an……

5. Bhima Koregaon violence convicts Shoma Sen, Hany Babu, Sudhir Dhawale, Surendra Gadling, Rona Wilson, Arun Ferreira, Vernon Gonsalves, Kabir Kala Manch –Ramesh Gaichor, Jyoti Jagtap and Sagar Gorkhe, all have been "Human Rights Activists" as per Amnesty International.…

6. All Infamous Delhi riot convicts are either "Students", "Councilors" or "Human Rights Activists" as per #AmnestyInternational, while the truth is that it has been proved in letter and spirit under the court proceedings that these riots were organized vendetta against Hindu……

7. #AmnestyInternational creates a very very subversive impression of administration, law enforcement, human rights, and complicity of the ruling Bhartiya Janta Party and its Govt at the center.
1. Portraying Muslims as an eternally subjugated minority
2. Showing Hindu vigilante……

8. #AmnestyInternational creates a very very tyrannical picture of government administration by highlighting sketchy issues with vague numbers for Tribals in central India Naxalite violence-affected areas, human rights, and freedom of speech issues in Jammu and Kashmir along……

9. In the end #AmnestyInternational concludes its report on India on the basis of the below points:
1. Portraying Govt of India for infringing upon the rights of its citizens by collecting data during COVID Pandemic without individual consent and storing that data in an unsafe……

10. In totality #AmnestyInternational has summed up all the allegations and frivolous attempts made by opposition political parties and their paid ecosystem to discount the present BJP govt headed by Shri Narendra Modi Ji for all the good work done in the last 8 years. This……

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