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.NET Developer | Content Creator | AWS Community Builder 🚀 Join my .NET Newsletter: ▶️ YouTube

Apr 28, 2023, 23 tweets

🚀 Backend Developer Roadmap for .NET Developers. (2023 Edition)

Follow this thread along for the entire roadmap.

#dotnet #developer #backend

Step 0: Know your basics.
Be familiar with OOPS, Brush up your problem solving skills, and learn GIT.
#dotnet #developer #backend

Next, get your C# skills right to the latest changes. #dotnet #developer #backend #csharp

Clean code is the way to go.
#dotnet #developer #backend #csharp

Databases are crucial, right?
#dotnet #developer #backend #csharp

Next we focus on the key concepts of #aspnetcore

#dotnet #developer #backend #csharp

Once you are comfortable with .NET and database, let's learn how to improve your development experience using ORMs. Entity Framework Core is a must have on your resume!
#dotnet #developer #backend #csharp

Designing Systems comes from experience. Look into various products to understand how they are built. GitHub is a good starting point to understand designs.
#dotnet #developer #backend #csharp

A common way to improve your API performance is by fine-tuning caching!
#dotnet #developer #backend #csharp

Serilog is the only package you need. Are you using it already?
#dotnet #developer #backend #csharp

For simple tasks, prefer the built-in IHostedService. For more specific requirements use Hangfire.
#dotnet #developer #backend #csharp #hangfire

A crucial building block for #microservices and Event Driven applications. I use #rabbitmq #masstransit for this. #MediatR to for internal messages using the #cqrs pattern.
#dotnet #developer #backend #csharp

#YARP is what I use currently. Ensure that you are aware of all concepts related to networking, routing, and auth!
#dotnet #developer #backend #csharp

#Docker has become a common thing in every developer's toolkit! It's almost un-ignorable nowadays. Learn it if you haven't already.
#dotnet #developer #backend #csharp

AWS, Azure, and GCP are definitely the way to go. Note that AWS shares a larger market share in this space.

#dotnet #developer #backend #csharp #aws

GitHub Actions are hands-down the easiest way to run your pipelines, that at 0 costs in a completely managed way. I use AWS CodePipeline at work though. What's your pipeline like?

#dotnet #developer #backend #csharp #github #githubaction #workflow #aws #codepipeline

Optimize your deployment pipelines and infrastructure provisioning using cool Infrastructure as code tools like #terraform!
#dotnet #developer #backend #csharp

#thunderclient is a very light weight replacement for postman! try it out.
#dotnet #developer #backend #csharp

Pretty useful, although we never really like to write them! What's your testing framework like:?
#dotnet #developer #backend #csharp #nunit #testing #buildinpublic

Here are a couple of other concepts needed to learn .NET backend development. Want to add more? Tweet it.
#dotnet #developer #backend #csharp

A couple of essential #nuget packages for your #dotnet #webapi projects. Which are your favorite ones?
#dotnet #developer #backend #csharp

Hope you like this thread! Do no forget to share it with your network as well. Ideally, if you have the previously mentioned concepts and tools in your belt, it shouldn't be long before you land a cool #dotnet backend job.
#dotnet #developer #backend #csharp

Bonus! Look into code repositories of popular boilerplates to get a better understanding of solution design.

You can refer -…

#dotnet #developer #backend #csharp

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