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May 12th 2023
Does Serverless save you cost or increase your spending?

What does The Prime Video "microservices to monolith" story tells us!

Somebody wrote:
“Even Amazon can’t make sense of serverless”

Pros / Cons explained below 👇

#Monolith #architecture #Serverless #PrimeVideo PS:
The difference between serverless and microservices -

#Serverless and microservices are both modern approaches to software development and deployment, but they have some key differences. PS: https://www.techmagic.c...
Microservices are a way of building and deploying applications as small, independently deployable services that communicate with each other. They can be deployed on traditional servers or in containers.
Read 17 tweets
May 11th 2023
🎉 Big news from the #HyperCycle community! We're delighted to announce a major step forward in our journey to redefine #blockchain technology. We're partnering with Cryptopia Group to launch our Node License Program. 🤖 🖥️ Link in next tweet ⤵️ (1/12) Image
Read more about this groundbreaking partnership in our latest Medium article. We're excited to share more about our vision and the upcoming Node License Program with Cryptopia Group @Cryptopia_ytube. Dive in! (2/12)
@Cryptopia_ytube This collaboration follows the successful TGE, marking the evolution of HyperCycle as we aim to pioneer a powerful and efficient blockchain network with our new Layer 0++ blockchain infrastructure. Read more about TGE here: (2/12)

#layer0 #layer1 Image
Read 12 tweets
Apr 28th 2023
🚀 Backend Developer Roadmap for .NET Developers. (2023 Edition)

Follow this thread along for the entire roadmap.

#dotnet #developer #backend Image
Step 0: Know your basics.
Be familiar with OOPS, Brush up your problem solving skills, and learn GIT.
#dotnet #developer #backend Image
Next, get your C# skills right to the latest changes. #dotnet #developer #backend #csharp Image
Read 23 tweets
Mar 13th 2023
Mengapa browser moderen adalah aplikasi di komputer kalian yang makan resource banyak dan suka bikin nge-lag komputer bagus nan mahal kalian?

Dan kenapa browser modern menerapkan teknologi kontainer jauh sebelum docker.

Sebuah utas panjang 🧵

#TentangPerforma #web #browser
Peramban atau browser adalah salah satu jenis perangkat lunak yang sangat kompleks. Sebenarnya tidak ada yang menyangka bahwa teknologi web seperti HTML, CSS, dan Javascript akan berkembang sangat pesat seperti sekarang.
Penemunya, Tim Berners-Lee bervisi untuk membuat dokumen saling bertautan satu sama lain. Dari situ, teknologi web di tahun 2023 sudah tumbuh lebih dari visi penciptanya.
Read 19 tweets
Feb 17th 2023
我感觉 #microfrontends 概念要完蛋了,很可能 #microservices 要扩展到 frontend 实现微服务概念上的统一。

现在好多 framework 都在做 full-stack(例如:#LiveView #Hotwire #Remix etc),我觉得 full-stack component 比较有前景,感兴趣的朋友可以关注一下。

值得注意,microservices 不要放弃 framework 的自由度,不要抱死在 React 一棵树上。可以了解一下 mixing-frameworks。…
另外,我不看好 Web Component,推荐 @Rich_Harris 几年前写的一篇文章。
Read 3 tweets
Jan 16th 2023
cool was my job 10 years ago.
#nosql? we used the largest transactional database on planet: @objectivitydb CAP: #ACID or #BASE ? BOTH!
#Java? #Microservices, SaaS, PaaS, for German and European EDIfact, FTAM, ATLAS,#NCTS, #AES,... Toll/ Duane before #RodJohnson, #GavinKing...
... invented @springframework and #ORM and #EricEvans #DDD ... new names for the same Things?
No! #DevOps are more than just #SysAdmins who develop with a script language hopefully #python and
... and #PlatformEngineers are more than magic PowerPoint2Java Compiler or SoftwareDevs who are Application Managers for a handfull hours per week or the 2nd Level Firepissung Support Unit.
Read 6 tweets
Jan 2nd 2023
Revolutionary news for crypto: @Conste11ation doesn't need 3rd party oracles! 🤯

Join the cutting edge of decentralized technology!" #crypto #blockchain #microservices #BigData
In the Constellation nodes are able to reach consensus on the state of the network without the need for third party oracles.
Oracles are external sources that provide data or information to a smart contract, and they are often used in traditional blockchain networks to enable the execution of smart contracts based on real-world events.
Read 9 tweets
Dec 27th 2022
A #DevOps Engineer follows the entire software development cycle, from beginning to deployment and beyond. They use tools like version control systems, Infrastructure as a Code Service, and cloud computing services to improve efficiency and reliability. #software #engineering
DevOps Engineers use tools like Jenkins and Docker to automate the software development and deployment process, ensuring that updates and new features are delivered quickly and consistently. #DevOps #automation #continuousintegration
In the modern era, microservices architecture and container tools like Docker and Kubernetes are crucial for deploying and managing applications. DevOps Engineers must be skilled in these tools to effectively maintain systems. #DevOps #microservices #containers
Read 3 tweets
Nov 28th 2022
AWS re:Invent is happening this week and sharing my observations/notes in this thread 🧵
#awsreinvent #awsreinvent2022
Key sessions related to Microservices in reinvent (you can also watch online later)👇 Image
Shared as part of Application Integration Patterns for #Microservices - using Message Exchange pattern for communication 👇 Image
Read 33 tweets
Nov 18th 2022

许多巨头互联网公司的核心业务逐渐微服务化,的确是在特定的历史时期和场景下的解决方案。但是使用微服务从长期来看,会带来一些更糟糕的问题👇#微服务 #Microservices


硬件的持续降价,使得大家用得起几百GB级别的Redis Cache

数据中心内部的网络结构从优化南北向,到考虑东西向,加上带宽从100MB级别变成100GB级别,让网络也不再成为瓶颈 👇
Read 55 tweets
Jul 1st 2022
🧵Spent an hour this week with a squad building new #Serverless API on #AWS.
My main advises were-
- Break-down the #domain & think of set-piece #microservices
- Identify sync & async parts
- Think #events & event-driven
- Do event storming & develop event-driven thinking
- Identify core & support #microservices
- Perform data modelling for each microservice - queries, indexes...
- Follow #API guidelines
- Remember you're building an intelligent service. Not a proxy to 3rd party
- Make your service's contract with its clients as simple & easy
- Don't build a #monolith microservice
- #Observability - structure logs, metrics, monitoring
- API usage plan for each client & monitor
- Native #serverless service integration
- Reach out to experts for help

They're on separate #AWS a/c, repo, #CDK & #typescript. Happy😀👍
Read 3 tweets
Jun 12th 2022
10 Microservices Design Patterns and Principles to Learn
1. Database per Microservice
2. Event Sourcing
4. Saga
5. BFF
6. API Gateway
7. Strangler
8. Circuit Breaker
learn more -… #java #Microservices
Other Microservice resources for Java programmers…
7 Free Courses to learn Microservices…
Read 7 tweets
Apr 22nd 2022
"Designing Hexagonal Architecture with Java"
This is an excellent book about #hexagonal architecture theory and practice in Java. 🧵…
It explains clearly the different hexagons in the architecture, the responsibilities, pitfalls, techniques and patterns to use in each
I love the examples the most. Easy to follow code, created with modern frameworks: Quarkus, Hibernate reactive, Docker, Kubernetes
Read 4 tweets
Jan 17th 2022
I'm currently working on preparation for the tech talk about #eventdriven architecture and would like to share some articles that I found helpful
Introduction to Event-Driven Architecture by Kacey Bui contains basic information about EDA, its main parts and what is more important list of benefits and drawbacks of #eventdriven approach. I would also like to note the great illustrations in the article
Journey to Event Driven… by @confluentinc - series of 4 articles with detailed overview of Event Driven Architecture and its history, related architectural patterns, events in connection with #serverless, questions of performance and scalability
Read 9 tweets
Dec 6th 2021
Microservices is a hot topic these days. Everybody wants to create applications using microservice architecture.

What are #microservices? 🧵⬇️
Software installed on your computer are traditional apps. When developing a traditional app, a single coding project is created and code is added with functionality to output a single app. Having a single app is called a monolithic application.
Why did we need to change from monolithic applications?
1. It was difficult to deploy large applications
2. They are complex to scale
3. It makes it difficult for developers to work together

Microservices were introduced to overcome these challenges.
Read 11 tweets
Oct 17th 2021
15 Microservices and Design Patterns articles and resources by @javinpaul

A mini thread 🧵
#Java #Microservices #programming
Top 10 Microservices Design Patterns and Principles - Examples…
Top 5 Courses to learn Quarkus, MicroNaut, DropWizard, and Vert for Java Microservices in 2021 - Best

Read more:…
Read 24 tweets
Jan 19th 2021
(Thread-1) I’ve just turned on mTLS on a 18 year old PHP monolith and it JUST worked 🤯. Now the traffic originating from it can be validated by other services in our infrastructure using @EnvoyProxy RBAC mechanism. #servicemesh #mTLS #security #microservices @CloudNativeFdn envoy-control RBAC incoming...
(2) Service Mesh enables new features for legacy workloads that would take months to implement. Our system allows gradual and granular migration to mTLS using strict or permissive modes. As a developer you define a list of URLs and clients that are allowed to access them. incoming permissions defini...
(3) In permissive mode requests from clients that are not listed are just logged. In strict mode the request is blocked (403) and also logged for audit purposes. Everything visible in logs is also summarised in grafana. incoming permissions grafan...
Read 13 tweets
Dec 22nd 2020
Software architecture is in crisis, and the way to fix it is a hefty dose of anarchy.
Some lay the blame for this on @boicy with the whole microservices thing.

(Admittedly, @nicolefv, @jezhumble and @realgenekim didn’t help when they statistically proved that he might have been onto something with all that de-coupling and team-alignment…)
However I don’t blame him at all.

I think he saved us; bringing us back to the path of value-delivery and independent services, but now with added independent teams.
Read 58 tweets
Dec 20th 2020
The great rise of cloud-native projects (thread).

Microservices don't solve any technical problems. Instead, microservices are trying to solve org challenges. turning org problems into new tech challenges.
In accordance with the complexity conservation law, microservice architectures should be bringing a lot of new problems yet to be solved.…
Thesis: the goal of the majority of the CNCF projects is to solve those technical problems originated by the microservice transition.
Read 9 tweets
Dec 5th 2020
🧵 M E G A T H R E A D

Check out all of my amazing threads that cover various topics like #JavaScript, #React, my favourite podcasts and many more...

👇#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
Thread #1: This is the place where you can find most of the amazing resources, tutorials, code snippets, tips and tricks about #JavaScript. Happy Coding Days 😎

👇#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #React
Thread #2: This is the place where you can learn most of the thing about #React. Find out some of the best resources, tutorials, code snippets, tips and tricks to enhance your React skills.

👇#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #JavaScript #ReactHooks
Read 21 tweets
Dec 1st 2020
Excited for my first re:Invent and getting ready for the @ajassy keynote coming up!

#awsreinvent #AWS #cloud
Loving the opening music act 🎸
Zach Person is the musician playing, so awesome...

Here is his Instagram -
Read 75 tweets
May 30th 2020
@InfoQ on #Microservices
microservice architectural pattern is best used for implementing the "breadth" of business functionality. Engineers should avoid building deep call chains of services, as this can increase the probability of failure 1/2
Deep chains in #Microservices can also increase the challenges of locating and diagnosing issues. Code libraries can often be used more effectively to implement "depth" within services.
Good advice for #architects dealing with issues. Thanks @InfoQ 2/2
#developers should avoid building highly-coupled distributed #systems. Instead, they should build "resilient federations" based on standard domain-driven design (DDD) federations of services for implementing #Microservices
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Dec 4th 2019
App Dev teams and Platform teams don’t always view #microservices the same way... @garyolliffe at #GartnerAPPS
Platform selection is important... but it’s not everything. Culture, process, training, etc. add up to be more important to success with #cloudnative app platforms /@garyolliffe at #GartnerAPPS
Lots of components to build a #cloudnative platform... good checklist from @garyolliffe at #GartnerAPPS
Read 13 tweets
Sep 13th 2019
Have a #microservices, but don't want to introduce a #servicemesh?
- Want circuit breaking? solves it for you
- Want a gateway service? got you covered
- Standardize #RPC calls? is out there
- Service discovery?,… and a few other proven projects
- Tracing?… and a few others
- Metrics?…, and a few others.
A pattern which you would notice here is that, a lot of tools would end up re-implementing what a service mesh would do for you, as one thing complements the other. (3/n)
Read 5 tweets

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