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May 24, 2023, 13 tweets

[1/🧡] #THREAD β€” A (very brief) summary of what will change on the #XRPLedger as a result of these amendments (if passed). πŸ‘‡

#XRPLCommunity #xrpthestandard #xrpholders #XRPArmy #XRPCommunity #XRPL #XRP #Ripple

[2/12] β€” #DisallowIncoming β€”

ℹ️ Adds 4 additional "settings" (flags) to the #XRPL to better granularly manage the permissions specified on your account.

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[3/12] β€” #fixNonFungibleTokensV1_2 β€”

ℹ️ Several bug fixes across the board for #XRPL #NFTs (#NFToken Object).

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[4/12] β€” #fixTrustLinesToSelf β€”

ℹ️ Deletes exactly 2 #XRPL trust lines with very specific IDs that exist solely due to an old bug from 2013, and then does nothing else afterwards.

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[5/12] β€” #fixUniversalNumber β€”

ℹ️ Simplifies and unifies specific math-related code to provide somewhat higher accuracy in exact calculations.

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[6/12] β€” #ImmediateOfferKilled β€”

ℹ️ Changes the so-called "OfferCreate" #XRPL transactions so that when no funds were really moved while canceling the "Offer," the outcome should not be "success," but rather "killed."

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[7/12] β€” #XRPFees β€”

ℹ️ Transaction cost calculations will be simplified since "fee units" will be replaced withΒ #XRP drops, removing the requirement to convert the results of those "fee units" to XRP first when computing XRP fees.

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[8/12] β€” #CryptoConditionsSuite β€”

ℹ️ Deprecated amendment with abandoned code that you should not vote for.

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[9/12] β€” 1⃣ #Summary / TL;DR β€”

Very straight-forward amendments that I don't see any problems w/, & I anticipate them to be approved on the #XRPLedger in the foreseeable future.

[10/12] β€” 2⃣ #Summary / TL;DR β€”

Nonetheless, I would vote "Nay" for the time being since a ton of servers would get amendment-blocked.

[11/12] β€” Servers that run on old #rippled code β€”

Your server must run at least v1.10.0 to avoid being amendment-blocked very soon.

❗️ Over 200 nodes and 15 validator servers will be impacted ❗️

[12/12] This should provide you with a high-level summary of the few changes planned to the #XRPL, which will mostly cover and improve performance concerns.

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