Many of us feel powerless in the face of what seems to be resurgent fascism.
I have thought about it, and here are 10 things you *can* do to help combat it.

Start paying for local and independent media, less beholden to large commercial interests.

Today's fascists & white nstionalists use many of the same, refined on message boards & elsewhere.
Learn to identify their techniques.…
Educate yourself by reading histories & first-hand accounts of pre-WW2 Nazi Germany.
These two great for newcomers.

Combat attempts at dehumanising migrants & Muslims by involving family & friends in community multicultural activities - see local government/council sites.

Join a party. Doesn't matter which. Really. Involve yourself in local branches. Keep them honest.
Fight back by making a conscious effort to sleep, eat right & take regular soc med breaks.
If you encounter hate online or IRL, record & mate a report if you are able to local police.

Make a regular donation, or join an organization such as @libertyhq (UK), @ACLU (US) or other that safeguards rights.

Change is made by those who turn up. Find out what issues impact your area & join community actions. They will build you bridges.

Vote at every level. Stay registered. Drag friends and family to vote. Vote like your life depends on it.

Thanks for reading and know this - the situation is far from hopeless. Together, we can stop fascism.