- grow up
- grow a pair
- there are things that you just have to do, and looking for their rationale or justification is your conscious decision to distract yourself from those very things
- “Whenever in doubt, turn off your mind, relax, float downstream.”
Timothy Leary
- on 'sloth' (alas still agnostic... but maybe that is the problem)
"...it is everywhere, and no longer noticed."
"Sloth -- defiant sorrow in the face of God's good intentions"
"...in Luddite sorrow, despite technology's good intentions"

I've been so caught up in the exhilaration which accompanies learning, inhabiting, gaining a novel perspective, that I've been naively identifying myself w/ them. Tranquility will result from something wholly different (?), but what?
Resist the urge to stfu, 'stay in my lane', ruminate whether I come off as spewing pompous bull
That doesn't lead anywhere but deeper into the rut
Climb out
Is merely an imperative to knowledge, and whatever object it renders, sufficient for a human life, w/ all our (my) attendant seeking? If the object were to imply that we occupy an active role within it, would we willingly partake?
Stop blending tasks. If I have something to do, create a block and complete it fully. "Deep work" I've heard of;
Priding myself on casting a wide net and making lateral connections has hit its threshold of diminishing returns. Time for Z-axis
Put your head down, and lift it when the world has come to you.
My internal monologue and when I write *to myself* I am using the third person. "You need to do X", "you are coming up short in X". Stop. It's an excuse to dissociate from responsibility.
I *am*
I am the locus of my will, decisions, and action... now. I am moving.
From listening to mostly audiobooks to mostly podcasts has resulted in quite a drop in substantive learning/retention. Made the switch back and am happier/more productive for it.
Keep this forefront in mind when producing my own content. What would I appreciate?