This is VERY true, men are our allies in the fight for equity. - TC
There is a strong business case for DIVERSITY.
Diversity can help with...
Decision-making, problem-solving
Worker satisfaction
Community Engagement
Fosters innovation.
Promotes organizational values
Not much difference between Academic Medicine in Canada and US.
Full professor in US - 22%
Full Prof in Canada - 23%
At a recent committee Dr. Hawker was asked: Is it because women don't make the grade???
The Paradox of Meritocracy (Sarah Kaplan at @rotmanschool) has taught us that it is NOT about lowering the bar to let "lesser" quality in... it's because there is bias. There is a strong tendency towards institutional reproduction.
Data from the @Harvard Implicit Association Test - We have been socialized to assume that women are more associated with family, and men are associated with careers.
A study by Brooks had two voices (male and female voice) pitch to VC (same script). Guess what happened?
VCs granted money to men more often.
Female applicants have to have more experience / more qualifications to get same evaluations.
Same for promotions...
Recommendations for men are longer: more references to resume, publications, pts, colleagues.
Recommendations for women: shorter, more ladened with hedging and doubt
But remember...
Male is a gender too. (Male on male bullying is out there gents!)
Have any men felt pressured to stop advocating for #HeForShe??#WomenInMedicine
What are key things?
1. Implement transparent
2. Data monitoring
3. Attention to the work environment
4. Mentorship (...and more importantly Sponsorship)
What are key things?
5. Recruitment - wait for a critical mass
6. Clear job posting - WITHOUT gendered language
7. Blind resume review
8. Standardize the interview - otherwise panelists might wander into dangerous grounds
9. Think about what "stopping the clock means"
10. Unconscious bias testing.
11. Meeting during "regular business hours"
12. Support during career transitions (including parental leave)
13. Alt. work arrangements (sharing, flex)
14. Parental leave expectations for ALL - Scandanavia does this well. It's expected and normalized. Everyone does it - to decrease stigma.
Now, turning to mentorship:
Remember that women can be mentored by men.
But maybe women don't need more mentors... they may need more SPONSORS.
What's the difference?
Mentors advise you.
Sponsors advocate for you. They open doors
In her first 100 days as Chair Dr. Hawker started noticed a pattern.
Like the epidemiologist that she was, she looked at local data.
25% women full profs, F>M assist/assoc
50% of trainees
Variability across training programs
Qualitative study by U of T Department of Med
WHY was there a gap?
1. Unfair/non-transparent recruitment
2. Bias
3. Social exclusion (back rooms/whisky, sports/beers)
4. Locker Room talk
5. Representation
Audit your rounds
Audit your conferences/panels.
Survey your people. Take the pulse.
Many people don't know what Microaggressions are... Make sure you educate people. muse.jhu.edu/article/715809…
Do you know any UNTOUCHABLES?
(Those who bring in the bacon and have more clout...)
it will be easier for them to get away with being unprofessional - be wary.
NEVER finish a search without a full list of eligible candidates.
People will tend to forget people who are quieter, but hard working.
Incorporate professionalism into awards, promotions, appointments.
Protocols for trainee complaints against faculty.
Make fair processes.
Take it seriously - have consequences.
Enhance mentorship
- incorporate it in promotion
Check In:
- check in with new faculty (at 1.5 years)
- Attention to subtle differences in support - e.g. clinical support, teaching expectations, research perks.
Address Structural barriers:
- flexible work hours
- breast pumping facilities
- timing of rounds, meetings, etc.
- create system redundancy
- equity score cards for subgroups
Wow!! They really have increased their women leadership at U of T to 50%, and a dramatic increase from 11%-->28% for visible minorities in those positions.