Jan Kirsch M.D., M.P.H and member of @350BayArea is laying out some of the health concerns around tar sands, including birth defects, cancers, and mental impairment.
Watch now: facebook.com/standearth/vid…
@350BayArea Greg Karas senior scientist for @CBECal in Richmond:
"The refinery’s latest plan to expand dilbit imports, cracking of that bitumen, and recovery of those diluent oils threatens to lock in a worst-case future for our climate, air, health, safety, and Bay."
@350BayArea @CBECal Sejal Choksi-Chugh, Executive Director of @SFBaykeeper talked about how tar sands oil is heavier than most other oils— and how once it spills it will sink to the bottom of the Bay and be almost impossible to clean up.
@350BayArea @CBECal@SFBaykeeper "They are gambling with the Bay and gambling with our health." We couldn't agree more @sejalc!
We must stop this harmful refinery expansion and keep additional #tarsands out of the bay!
@350BayArea @CBECal@SFBaykeeper@sejalc@SusieKPIX@KPIXtv LaDonna Williams of All Positives Possible and Fresh Air Vallejo:
"Fresh air and fresh water is our life. They have no right to take that from us."
@350BayArea @CBECal@SFBaykeeper@sejalc@SusieKPIX@KPIXtv .@PennieOpal, co-founder of @IdleNoMoreSFBay on protecting our communties and climate change: "The time for us to take risks and do things we're uncomfortable with is now. It’s not going to get any better unless all of us start having conversations with our families and friends."
As the town hall wraps up, we thought we'd share some things you can do to help stop this refinery expansions keep #tarsands out of the SF Bay.
SIGN the petition urging policy makers to shutdown this project: bit.ly/2Ca592u
And finally, a HUGE thank you Rodeo Citizens Association, Crockett-Rodeo United to Defend the Environment, Fresh Air Vallejo, @IdleNoMoreSFBay, @SunflowerAction, @350BayArea, @CBECal, and all the volunteers. None of this was possible without you!
JK 😁 We forgot to include the press release! Check it out here.
@RBC .@RBC 's 9.22 Billion in fossil fuel investments since Oct 2021 would cover 25% of disaster relief costs in Pakistan, as millions recover from devastating flooding.
Instead of investing in climate devastation & displacement, RBC could support communities impacted by fossil fuels.
@RBC In 2022, RBC has lent and underwrote 7.05 billion dollars in fossil fuels.
This is happening while RBC continues to greenwash and claim that it is committed to climate action.
.@AmyG_Standearth kicks-off grounding us in how @TotalEnergies' EACOP risks harming the lives & livelihoods of millions.
"This is not just a climate issue. This is a climate justice issue." 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
While @TotalEnergies & those attempting to push through EACOP claim it will benefit local communities, a majority of the fossil oil of the world's largest proposed pipeline would be for export.😡
In his ruling, Justice Thompson says “methods of enforcement of the court's order have led to serious and substantial infringement of civil liberties, including impairment of the freedom of the press to a marked degree” #FairyCreek
Of forest defenders, the Justice says: “They are respectful, intelligent, and peaceable by nature. They are good citizens in the important sense that they care intensely about the common good” 👏💯 #FairyCreekbccourts.ca/jdb-txt/sc/21/…
Ever heard that Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is a climate-friendly fuel? Well, you’ve been sold a lie. LNG, made up of methane, is one of the fastest growing threats to our climate. RT to expose the truth about #LNG. #bcpoli#cdnpoli
Didn't think we'd need to say this, but the responses we're getting on this tweet really prove our point: the fossil fuel industry has done a great job convincing the public that "natural gas" is good. It's not. Read more here: vox.com/energy-and-env…
In B.C., methane emissions amounted to an estimated 8.8 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2017, according to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy. That’s equal to 1,724,724 vehicles on the road for one year. Read more: thenarwhal.ca/climate-change…