This #StrayaScrapper comes in at a whopping 6 stoats in wgt! #2019MMM #StoatsAsMeasurement

They love living near permanent water sources such as creeks & wetlands, so this rat also has partially webbed hind legs & a ~hydrodynamic~ streamlined skull. #2019MMM
Peccary herds roam large tracts of land, keeping close to water sources in the dry season. #2019MMM
no, we're headed into the future, three months from now! #2019MMM

"The govt’s dialogue w/ the indigenous ppls continues but their permission is no longer a condition for the concession of the license to build."
#2019MMM news.mongabay.com/2019/03/brazil…

hey come across a large amount of scattered nuts that were forgotten & they spread out, feasting on the delicious fruit. researchgate.net/publication/22… #2019MMM
Our white-lipped peccary snuffles along, unknowingly on a path that will intersect with our rakali. #2019MMM
A predator?
Will he fight?
Will he flee?
Uncertain, he freezes. #2019MMM
The peccary steps even closer to the rakali, who has nowhere to hide...
Our peccary's ears flick.
Something's wrong...
This isn't the sound of cracking nuts, but the sound of a peccary warning call! #2019MMM
from a gunshot wound. #2019MMM
As he kneels to gut our peccary, our rakali carefully creeps away. #2019MMM