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Mar 19th 2023
with all the focus of Nicola Bulley being on St Michael's on Wyre, we are forgetting that Nicola Bulley supposedly lived at 9 Meadow Drive Inskip, which is around 3.3 miles away from St Michael's.
The population of Inskip is around 900 people, meaning it's slightly larger than St Michael's, which is around 700 people. But it is in the Inskip village and community that she would have done her regularly daily back and forths, such as shopping, walking, etc etc
So why have we seen not one report from anybody in Inskip, etc, for good old Charlotte Drake. There has not been one image of any concerned residents of Inskip itself as you would expect in a case like this!
Read 29 tweets
Oct 28th 2022
#ALERT: If you live or work in and around Washington DC/ NoVA, please share:

#MissingPerson Image
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Oct 14th 2022

The appearance of abandoned corpses on the rooftop of #Nishtarhospital Multan is alarming & requires a thorough but honest investigation.

1- Not necessarily they are Baloch! But #Baloch concerns are genuine because there is a history of killing & dumping. Watch this video.
It began with Asad Mengal, brother of @sakhtarmengal, in Feb 1976. Still, nobody knows where he is. Alive or dead? Some say he died during interrogation in Kashmir & others say he was buried in Thatta, Sindh after being killed. Still, today the family does not know. Image
3- Then in 2000, when the fifth insurgency broke, dozens of activists were killed & dumped thousands of km away from their hometowns.

#Balochistan has a vast territory. Kidnapping someone in Dera Bugti, Quetta and throwing his body in Chaman or Makran was normal. ImageImage
Read 11 tweets
Aug 9th 2022
#UNSOLVED…("16-year-old was near a campground [2022-08-05]
..#Rodni, 16, was last seen[2022-08-06; 12:30 a.m.] near the Prosser Family Campground in the small, Northern #California town of #Truckee,")
Relevant context: Image
Relevant context (this appears to have been created by friends/family in order to help identifying the person on surveillance-footage, or of course when seeing her on a street etc.):….

Read 4 tweets
Jun 8th 2022
🚨 Breaking News - Thread 🚨

1) #Dorset Police detective has admitted that delays in reviewing the investigation into the disappearance of #GaiaPope may have caused opportunities to find her to be lost. @Independent

2) The high risk #missingperson case should have been reviewed by an experienced detective as soon as possible but no review had been carried out when he came on call more than 16 hours later.

3) Not all the information needed in a #missingperson inquiry had been gathered. Mr. Swanton also said he was concerned about a lack of structure to the investigation & that no-one appeared in charge.

Nor could he see from the logs what actions had or had not been undertaken.
Read 6 tweets
Oct 5th 2021
and if @jamaicannews had found out that there has been a gross miscarriage of @injusticewatch with a @BBC @injusticedoc #thisistottenham that was set up by @labour @DavidLammy senior members of @MetTaskforce to mislead the public in hopes to not force a #NationalUprising
by burying #thetruth to #ProtectTheProtectors the @RoyalFamily and the few #PoliceOfficers who failed both #AmbroseGGBall and his mother Toni aka Ruth Lovell as confirmed by head of @BarnetCouncil Mr & Mrs @CllrCornelius n the email sent to family within days of Toni's
Read 25 tweets
May 16th 2021
If anyone has seen my little cousin Kyla Flagg in the Atlanta, Dekalb or Gwinnett area, please reach out and call the police. Please Retweet !! We need her home!!! #RT #MissingPerson ImageImage
Please be on the lookout !!! #RT Image
Y’all she is still missing. She’s been missing for 3 days now. Please RT!! Image
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Sep 22nd 2020
#MissingPerson The Fargo Police Department is seeking the public’s assistance in locating Craig Rodgers Melton, 34 yrs. old. 5’11”, 200lbs, brown hair and brown eyes. He was last seen wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt.
Craig was reported missing on the evening of 9/19/20. He was last seen on 9/17/20 in Fargo in his red 1999 Saturn SL, bearing Oregon plate 653KYU, along with two unidentified males. Craig was reportedly giving the males a ride to Belcourt, ND.
Craig hasn’t been heard from by family and friends since.

If you have information, please contact the Fargo Police Department at 701-235-4493 or text FARGOPD and your tip to 847411. ImageImageImage
Read 3 tweets
May 14th 2020
The reward for the safe return of a woman who has been missing out of Chaffee County since Sunday doubled overnight. It now stands at $200,000.

We spoke with the woman's nephew this morning and he told us how the public can help: Image
The search continues today for Suzanne Morphew of Chaffee County.

Her nephew has asked the public to share this information:
Tip line: 719-312-7530
Facebook page:…
Reward: $200K for safe return

➡️ Image
NEW: Investigators in Chaffee County say they are targeting a specific area west of County Road 225 and Highway 50, outside of Maysville, after finding what they believe is an item belonging to a woman who has been missing from the area since Sunday. Image
Read 276 tweets
Oct 17th 2019
#SriLanka #MissingPerson @ompsrilanka - Presidential aspirant @gotarox has dismissed as a mere “allegation” about complaints regarding those who had surrendered themselves to the army and never rejoined their families. I am afraid he hasn't gone through August 2015... 1/5
#SriLanka #MissingPerson @ompsrilanka of the Parangama Commission of Inquiry, which was constituted by his brother, @PresRajapaksa Rajapaksa, in August 2013. On pages xxv, xxvi under the chapter of “executive summary” of the report, this is what it says: 2/5
#SriLanka #MissingPerson @ompsrilanka ...There are credible allegations, which if proved to the required standard, may show that some members of the armed forces committed acts during the final phase of the war that amounted to war crimes giving rise to individual criminal...3/5
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Jul 6th 2019
The article clearly says that the cell established at #GHQ is responsible for facilitate the process regarding #MissingPersons, not outright find them.

But since you’ve brought up the issue...
#MissingPersons in #Pakistan aren’t always guests of the #State, as many would like to portray. Many left home of their own accord & joined #militant & #terrorist groups.

Those who are guests of the State have been proven to the Supreme Court of Pakistan in previous hearings.
Those who are guests of the State are there because their own activities & behavior makes it justifiable to hold them in custody without any exposure to outsiders, including family.

Unfair? Are we going to talk abt fair for those who have killed innocent people?
Read 7 tweets
Dec 4th 2018
1/ .. just met with an investigator contacted by Carla Stefaniak’s family when she disappeared in Costa Rica...
So many holes in the details coming from CR and timeline of her activities..
Family waiting for ID of remains found near her AirB&B
@WPLGLocal10 ... Image
This is PI Wayne Black - he says Stefaniak case is more common than we may know for US citizens traveling to Costa Rica ... and the locals try to keep crime out of the news to protect tourism
Here is the most detailed timeline to date of Carla Stefaniak’s movements and contacts last Tue & Wed, compiled by family & PI
@WPLGLocal10 #CarlaStefaniak #CostaRica #MissingPerson Image
Read 6 tweets
Nov 21st 2017
#next, I need your #help, and I mean all of you #please, regardless of party-politics, ideological differences, geo-location, can I have your <3 engaged to help a family, friends, a local community & a student community in their #search for a #MissingPerson #missing since Nov.2nd
2/" #StephenCullinan (25), the son of North #Tipperary #IFA Chair, Tim #Cullinan, hasn’t been seen since November 2 when he left his home in Castletroy, County #Limerick and made his way to #Dublin. "…
3/"His worried relatives believe he may have made his way to another major Irish city, even as far as #Belfast. The vulnerable young man is without his medication." " He could be in #Galway. We’re grasping at straws."
Read 9 tweets

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