1. Love paperwork.
2. Love rules.
3. Say “it depends” a lot.
4. Don’t like surprises.
5. Think being right is better than being quick.
1. Reverse onus; you need to first see if you are allowed to do it.
2. Must do homework; applicants should know Act/Regs and guidance docs.
3. Licensing creates expectations from consumer/provinces...
5. You won’t be lonely...@GovCanHealth will have application teams, licensing teams, inspection teams keeping you company.
1. New applicant must have document component and evidence that site is built and compliant (what was formerly the “evidence package” that you submitted after passing the paper review stage).
2. Anyone in queue as of last week gets a high level review and HC...
1. All applicants subject to rigorous process.
2. Resources focused on well built sites and those will move more quickly.
3. Decreased waiting between submission of evidence package and licensing. HC can’t commit to service standard but would like to...
4. Lowered barriers to entry for well-prepared new entrants.
HC notes that most people that make it past the document component do get licensed. Very low rejection rate. Strict rules but follow guidance and possible to succeed with application.
1. Good Production Practices. Systems that show you can meet GPP>
2. Personnel security - are the people a risk or not?
3. Physical security - perimeter, storage area, etc.
It was previously noted that many applications come in where the applicants clearly have not read or understood the Act/Regulations/Guidance Documents.
15-20 got confirmation of readiness. 5 applicants screened out noncomplete apps. HC has a dedicated queue and team for micros. Lots of good quality applicants.
Can you level up from Micro to Standard? Yes, just meet the additional requirements and be reviewed. Treated as new application in CTLS but internally treated as amendment.
A: Hard to provide because depends on information that comes back. HC and RCMP involved...
A: Was a big security backlog as of Oct 17, and more roles need it now, but catching up.
A: New guidance docs are to provide additional information...
A: Not any generally, but personnel security (rare circumstances if someone has serious criminal history and is the applicant there’s a problem) and physical site issues that would make compliance hard.
A: Yes. The references in the document to medical refer to medical sales licenses specifically but all production/process applies to all.
A: Heard a lot that it will cost $1MM to enter market. Don’t understand where it comes from. What part of that cost is related to meeting requirements versus cost of just running any business?
<Room chuckles>
@BeardedGreenly - need money to retrofit to meet regs. Banks are not lending money to these businesses. Banks want to see licenses, not hopes. Applicants now need $.
A: Have licensed spaces like that. Sometimes treat as one large space for GPP perspective. What are the activities being conducted?
A: In a Standard you can have multiple rooms in one area if access level the same in all rooms in that area. No op area in micros.
A: If they see links to serious criminality that is problematic. Traditional loans, friends/family raises not so concerning.
Q: So former grower who saved money?
A: Unless...
A: There is an indigenous application service and if come through that they can choose 2 step review process. Recognition of unique status and challenges.
A: Some lack of clarity as to what question is about. Disposal of waste is provincial and municipal.
A: Video evidence is generally about construction and site compliance issues (eg, is it made of untreated wood?) and physical security, not operational issues.
A: Right now cannabis oversight in a number of portfolios with public health and safety perspective. No change in near term.
A: have applications now with shared personnel. Need to be able to demonstrate ability of person to provide support to multiple applicants. If you can, then they have no issue with it.
A: Standard or micro? Lolz because it doesn’t matter. No need for a fence, perimeter may be the building wall. Don’t know height of lowest fence. Physical guidance is not prescriptive - meet the objective and show how.
Q: How close to building?
A: No requirement. Some don’t have fences at all. Have had a berm, a river.
Q: blackberry bramble
A: lol
A: Notes made, HC not looking pleased to hear that.
Q: You should admin a micro group on Facebook to counter misinformation.
A: Good suggestion.
A: Staff includes screening, licensing, amendments, security. As more licenses come in more staff hired. May and June doing high level reviews of in queue applications, then all resources go into final evidence package submissions.
A: goal is to not need consultants in order to make applications. That’s why they are doing guidance documents and trying to put good information out there. No issue with “Will Kit” type items but HC won’t create.
A: regularly review what they disclose and will consider it.
A: There are proposed changes to regulations coming but not sure if includes microbial testing. Outdoor will require some adjustments. Can choose now...