Importantly, this will be Acting DHS Secretary @DHSMcAleenan's first appearance since Friday's tariffs announcement.
I'm livetweeting!
The bill would allow for vastly expanded detention of families and children, block asylum for anyone not going to a port of entry, and create other new limits on asylum.…
I wrote about the tariff deal yesterday here, and why we should remain skeptical of it.…
Here's more about where the program stands now.…
We'll begin with opening statements from Lindsey Graham then move on to questioning.…
Graham then repeats claims that have been made multiple times, that "the word is out" in Central America about asylum.

This is fundamentally false, something I've repeatedly debunked.…
As studies have shown, families actually show up at a higher rate than single adults.
But asylum isn't the only humanitarian protection. And people fleeing harm will flee towards safely.
He's certainly right about walls.
Here's more on that bill.…
She ends by discussing the trauma of family separation.
Of course, the laws haven't changed in decades, and smugglers have known about them for all that time—but conditions in Central America have changed.
Of course, when Obama said Congress's failure to act was justification for DACA, Cornyn felt... very different.
Here's more about his bill.…
- Muslim ban
- Ending DACA/TPS
- Shutdown
- Cuts to legal immigration
- DHS chaos
But as I pointed out earlier today, in some metrics the border is much safer, including the fact that FAR fewer people with criminal records are coming.
He calls for cooperation on a bill which would focus on push factors, not just pull factors.
But, again, asylum laws have been unchanged for over 20 years. The Flores settlement is from 1997. What no one has explained is why, if it's just our laws, has it suddenly started now?
Of course, I've never actually seen someone show a copy of one of those ads, and DHS has never actually shown one either.
What Flores said is that, because we are a nation that cares for children, we can't lock up kids for extended periods of time in unlicensed facilities.
McAleenan says we are seeing "enormous numbers of fraudulent cases," emphasizing the "fake families" claims.
In reality, it's much less than <1%.
McAleenan then repeats a totally misleading claim about 90% of families not showing up in court.
This is a complete misrepresentation of the real statistics, which I explained here.
By contrast, McAleenan's claim is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of "completion-based" statistics.…
Of course, Trump famously disagrees with McAleenan's dual-pronged approach.
McAleenan says he's looking into the GAO report.…
It's definitely awful when it occurs, but at the same time, that's a tiny fraction of overall claims.
Once again, yes, child smuggling is a thing and awful when it occurs. But the VAST majority, >99%, of families are real.
Grassley has @DHSMcAleenan agree that cutting DHS funds is bad, blaming Dems.
But "child recycling" IS already illegal!
@DHSMcAleenan does not have an exact number, and tells Feinstein he'll get it to her.…
He says "I share your concern about these conditions. I've been raising that for months on end."
But he's the one in charge!
This is appallingly untrue. People are dying.
@DHSMcAleenan is utterly wrong if he thinks ICE addresses safety issues immediately. It doesn't.
Averages are an awful measurement. Most people gave up early, never seeking asylum. For those who continued it took months.
The fundamental problem with this is that when a majority of people give up on the first hearing, that skews averages WAY downwards.
@DHSMcAleenan says over 3 days, CBP flagged 109 people as potentially fake families, and DNA tests confirmed CBP's hunch for 17 people.
So... CBP was wrong in 86% of cases?
If CBP is flagging less than 1% of people as possibly fraudulent, and CBP is only right 15% of the time... this is not a big problem. It's a TINY problem, a minuscule problem.
He makes a great point that when people get resources, they do show up.
Graham ends with "I think you're both right."
@DHSMcAleenan then gives numbers!
Three. Three cases of child smuggling "rings," which is already massively illegal!
But it occurs in a TINY fraction of cases, despite @DHS's focus on it.
In essence, Hawley's is arguing that we need to turn away hundreds of thousands of kids fleeing harm... in order to protect a few dozen.
Klobuchar asks if the President's chaotic actions have led to any of this.
But basic marketing says "Get it now, or it'll be gone" is a powerful selling tool.
McAleenan says he'll share @DHSOIG reports on those deaths, and has invested in more medical care.
McAleenan kind of punts and says "We don't have results in most of those cases."…
McAleenan doesn't answer that directly, because obviously that couldn't happen.
In this tweet, I messed up, I should have said the person pushing back hard was @DickDurbin, not McAleenan. Hope people figured that out from context.
"If 90% of the people who are in our country illegally are showing up for their hearings... how did we get 11 million people in our country illegally?"
Hirono says: "In the meantime, we're not getting on with what we need to do, which I think is ... get[ting] to the root causes."
Hirono points out that McAleenan's been stingy with info on this.
But Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost testified before that families are separated if a parent has a felony reentry conviction.
The problem is, if you target undocumented sponsors, kids stay in ORR custody for months longer.
This is why the law needs to be carried out with some sense of prosecutorial discretion. Targeting sponsors = kids in shelters.
McAleenan becomes VERY evasive, won't directly answer.
True, but it was only by 118 total agents, and only three along the southern border.

CBP has been raising the alarm about this for months, but again, it's hard to quantify the scale of this problem.
McAleenan says there are 250 cases of H1N1 flu in the Rio Grande Valley, with individuals quarantined in a CBP facility.
What he doesn't say—overcrowding leads to outbreaks!
@DHSMcAleenan says "The number one issue is poverty and lack of economic opportunity," and then follows up by saying he believes that violence is not the number one reason.
@DHSMcAleenan defends ICE contracting, and...
That said, McAleenan's contracting defense is very weak.…
Hirono turns back to the bill at issue, and asks about alternatives to detention, and McAleenan's claim they don't work.
Big question; how many of those are in the appeals process? This could well be the cause. We need to see the data.
Not a single family in family detention deported within 45 days had a full asylum hearing on their case. Not one.
And that's it! Thank you all for following, and I hope you found it helpful.