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Apr 25th 2023
Here we go!! A special meeting of #SECU to study the withdrawn amendments to #C21 - #TheHuntingGunBan 🇨🇦

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Currently 6 minutes late starting … stand by
And here we are. 20 minutes late. Let’s begin.

Chair does the usual housekeeping. Introduces the topic: a study of the withdrawal of amendments G4, G46.

Introduces witnesses: @marcomendicino and a string of officials from RCMP, PS, CBSA, DOJ.
Read 74 tweets
Dec 1st 2022
WHEEEEEEEEE #SECU! Skipped the last one because it was pretty political, but Murray Smith is coming to this one, so here come the live-Tweets...
Zimmer opens the meeting by asking if there are hunting rifles on the prohib list. Justice officials clarify they cannot say if a gun is a hunting gun or not, just if it's prohib. Zimmer redirects the question then to Daly and Smith; witnesses appearing from the RCMP.
Chair @RonMcKinnonLib intercedes, saying that everyone should remember the list could change.

Interesting note to make.

Murray Smith now says the first rifle Zimmer asked about, the Benelli R1, is not included on Schedule 1 or 2.
Read 76 tweets
Nov 24th 2022
Todays #LiveTweet thread on #SECU as the committee continues to study the assault on legal hunters and firearms owners. #C21 🇨🇦

Let’s go!! ⤵️⤵️⤵️⤵️⤵️ Image
Chair begins, land acknowledgment. Makes note they’ve got until 1:30 today (2.5 hrs). Welcomes back officials from Public Safety, Justice. Resumes clause by clause. Currently on G4 (hunting gun ban). Chiang seeks unanimous consent to release “list” of newly banned hunting guns
Point of Order Lloyd: wants clarity on motion. Members agree to publish list. Damoff complains CSSA breached privilege and had published protected info. Damoff says this isn’t a hunting gun ban and refers to NZ etc and their semi auto ban. Says they’re weapons of war.
Read 60 tweets
Nov 22nd 2022
#SECU live tweet thread. Meeting #49 study of #C21🇨🇦

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November 22, 2022
Late start - but here we go. Chair welcomes everyone. This is the start of clause by clause. Witnesses will do Q&A but no opening statements.

Dancho begins. Asks about procedural issues, scope of bill. No further questions. They begin.
Dancho brings up amendment G4, G46: outside the scope of the bill. Dancho brings up amendment G4, which is a ban on almost all semi auto rifles and shotguns. Point of order by Damoff. Dancho agains brings up massive ban included in amendment?? Damoff objects, confidentiality
Read 36 tweets
Oct 25th 2022
#C21 #SECU tweet thread. Chair introduces the witnesses and we begin …
John Schneiderbanger goes first, details his previous military history and his extensive sport shooting. Speaks to C21 and the lack of focus on criminal use and smuggled guns. Says better enforcement is needed. Speaks to inaccuracy of data.
Says we must address root causes of violence for safer communities. Speaks to the end of many sport shooting activities. Speaks to the use of sport shooting ranges, leaving LEO nowhere to train. Says it will increase cost to municipalities. Speaks to deferred confiscation
Read 59 tweets
Oct 20th 2022
Ok here we go!!! #LiveTweet thread 🧵 for #SECU meeting on #C21 🇨🇦

We’ve got a mix of anti gun lobby groups and community advocates.
@DanforthFSC begin. Price details the events of the #DanforthShooting - a tragic act of violence committed by a gang related criminal with a stolen gun. Supports #C21 but will focus on the handgun “freeze”. Says legal handguns contribute to violence.
Says their own experience (with stolen gun from gang ties) is evidence of that. Reports that traced guns are 2x more likely to come from Canada not US. Says the freeze is necessary. Is worried about the exemptions for elite sport shooters.
Read 67 tweets
Oct 18th 2022
#SECU Live-tweet thread 🧵

Meeting delayed due to House votes. Stay tuned for it to begin shortly.

I’ll be providing updates, but please follow along by watching LIVE as well 🇨🇦📺… Image
SECU begins with Brian McIlmoyle from AIC (Airsoft in Canada) $220M sport annually enjoyed by tens of thousands. Media and movie industry about $9B annually. Reliant on airsoft. Hollywood uses 60% less real guns. C21 destroys all this industry
Addresses LEO concerns, acknowledges risk. Suggests 18+ restriction on buying Airsoft. Will prevent majority of police calls, more in line with global experience. Suggests mandatory membership to Airsoft orgs. C21 also impacts paintball, etc
Read 24 tweets
Feb 15th 2022
@CZV416 Evelyn Fox opens with an incredible speech, highlighting the deficiencies in our existing system, asks for border strengthening, highlights it isn’t legal gun owners committing violence. Calls Liberal bans “US style”. Details systemic inadequacies … 🇨🇦 #SECU
Continues, highlights the failure to address the youth study. Photo of #Kiesenger in the background. Discusses the trauma of having a child murdered 🇨🇦 runs out of time #SECU
Richard Miller @Keep6ixorg speaks to his orgs program, mentoring at risk youth, tuition incentives, wants to partner on a nat level with feds: reduce crime, increase youth work skills, mental health counsel, reach kids before legal trouble. Has “turn in your gun” program #SECU 🇨🇦
Read 43 tweets
Sep 17th 2021
Vendredi, c'est #Codeco. On sait tous cela.

Mais puisque la rentrée (politique) verse dans le recyclage de vieux sujets (parfois éculés), eh bien, on va aussi recycler des (vieux) papiers. Mais pas éculés, eux.

Et donc, vendredi, c'est #recyclage. (1/6)
Les #syndicats s'engraissent et vivent sur le dos du chômage, auquel ils ont tout intérêt. (Oui, on caricature un brin, mais la petite musique est là.) #chomage (2/6)

Même topo pour les #mutualités (enfin, pas sur le chômage, hein, mais sur la santé, on se comprend). (3/6)

Read 6 tweets
Dec 8th 2019
Si les grèves de 1995 laissent à beaucoup de militants un souvenir joyeux, celui d’une victoire contre le Plan Juppé, il faut dire pourquoi c’était en réalité une défaite pour le mouvement social. Éléments de discussion pour préparer une victoire en 2019 ! 💪
#santé #sécu
Après son élection en mai 1995 sur le thème de la fracture sociale, Chirac nomme Juppé premier ministre et celui-ci défend le 15 novembre un plan sur la sécurité sociale en deux axes : réduction des salaires (retraites, allocation fam, etc.) et étatisation de l’institution.
C’est l’attaque faite au système des retraites – donc l’ambition de réduire la part des salaires dans la richesse nationale – qui coalise des colères antérieures. Lancée le 5 décembre, la mobilisation est splendide et à la suite de la journée du 12 décembre Juppé recule.
Read 22 tweets
Jun 11th 2019
Le déficit de la #SECU devrait replonger en 2019, le retour à l’équilibre "remis en cause" selon la Commission des comptes via @francebleu…

la réaction de la CFTC à dérouler ⬇️⬇️⬇️ #thread
En + d’un contexte économique moins favorable que prévu, les mesures de la loi #MUES ont eu d’indéniables conséquences sur les recettes des régimes de Sécurité sociale.
Il ne s’agit pas de remettre en cause ces décisions que nous avons soutenues en raison de leur effet immédiat sur le pouvoir d’achat, et de la demande qu’elles entendaient satisfaire. Nous devons cependant nous interroger sur leurs impactes sur les finances sociales.
Read 9 tweets
Sep 29th 2018
1) Le prétendu trou de la Sécurité sociale, ce sont les patrons qui le creusent, par le chômage et les bas salaires. Explication.

(Lutte de classe n°138 - septembre-octobre 2011) #archiveLO #secu
2) Depuis 30 ans, parce qu'ils ne trouvent plus dans le développement de la production de quoi faire suffisamment progresser ou même maintenir leurs profits, les patrons, grands et petits, ont considérablement aggravé l'exploitation des travailleurs. Ils le font directement...
3) .. dans les entreprises, par les licenciements, la multiplication des contrats précaires, l'écrasement des salaires et l'aggravation des conditions de travail. Mais cette aggravation de l'exploitation résulte aussi, indirectement, de la mainmise du grand patronat, de la...
Read 37 tweets
Apr 25th 2018
10 minutes late to #SECU and it's moving fast. Catching up. For those following, clause 109 of #c59 #cdnpoli
Conservative motion, similar to with #CSE, asking #CSIS to report annually on the costs incurred due to oversight. Both #NDP & #Liberals argue that this creates a new administrative burden. #NDP argues could be used to try & undermine new review & oversight bodies
Motion fails
Read 118 tweets
Apr 24th 2018
Good morning from the Public Safety Committee study of Bill #C59. Four hour marathon meeting. We'll see how much of the 90 pages or so left MPs get through today. #cdnpoli #hw #SECU
Conservative motion to remove the requirement that the Minister of National Defence must consult with the Minister of Foreign Affairs when the #CSE engages in active (offensive) cyber operations. Conservatives argue that this will hinder ability of Minister of Defence to act #C59
Motion is defeated.
Read 122 tweets
Apr 23rd 2018
Back at #SECU for the next round of votes on Bill #C59, in time to see the #NDP motion to give the Intelligence Commissioner powers to go beyond simply saying "yes" or "no" on authorizations be voted down. #cdnpoli
Next Liberal motion, also proposed by Greens, is to ask the #IC to publish decisions not only when rejecting an authorization, but also in approving it (something @ICLMG is in favour of). Passes.
NDP motion that would allow IC to ask for additional information, rather than saying "yes" or "no" to an authorization. Notes that the current #CSE commissioner suggested this amendment #C59 #secu
Read 61 tweets

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