🔴SATURDAY EVENING: Steve Bannon joins me on @EpochTimes American Thought Leaders🇺🇸
We discuss his film Claws Of The Red Dragon clawsofthereddragon.com exposing #Huawei, which he describes as “greatest national security threat we have ever faced.”
#China: “The Chinese Communist Party is the Frankenstein monster created by the elites in the West—the capital… [and] technology that’s provided by the elites in the West.”
#HongKong: “When you see the tear gas, you see the beatings, you see the rubber bullets, you see exactly what they are. This is a gangster organization that doesn’t believe in any individual rights.”
@EpochTimes “You see the unrelenting power of the Chinese Communist Party in its technology arm, Huawei, that will stop at nothing to achieve its goals."
#SteveBannon discusses his new Huawei expose film Claws of the Red Dragon on American Thought Leaders 🇺🇸
@EpochTimes “The people of #China are some of the most hardworking, decent people on earth. They're enslaved by a radical totalitarian surveillance state of the Chinese Communist Party.”
@EpochTimes The new film "Claws of the Red Dragon," executive produced by #SteveBannon, exposes the intimate ties between telecom giant Huawei and the Chinese Communist Party.
.@SenRonJohnson: "When @RobertKennedyJr called me up as he was contemplating making this move…[which] has cost him dearly, personally…my first comment was: 'Bobby, this is an answer to my prayers.'
Not only because he'll be given the chance to focus on what he's been championing now for decades, children's health, chronic illness, but I think even more importantly, for our nation, he is setting an example for how you set your political differences aside and focus on an area of agreement to tackle a difficult problem and demonstrate to America, this is exactly how you heal and unify a horribly divided nation."
I'm at the @RescueRepublic event in Washington DC today talking to folks about the event and what they're advocating for.
@SenRonJohnson @RobertKennedyJr Family physician @drcraigwax: "Everyone must have the right to informed consent, and informed consent means knowing the benefits, the risks, and the alternatives.
All of those disappeared in the last four years."
@SenRonJohnson @RobertKennedyJr @drcraigwax "We're here to fight for parents. We need parents who know and understand that they have the fundamental right to direct the upbringing of their children."
@4TiffanyJustice, co-founder of @Moms4Liberty, at the @RescueRepublic event in DC
I never thought we'd ever find an actual survivor of the Chinese regime's horrific practice of forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience, which amounts to a billion-dollar industry in China.
But here he is, in front of me, Mr. Cheng Peiming.
Here's a 🔴livestream of the @ETAC_Global press event, "First-Known Survivor of Forced Organ Harvesting Speaks Out", happening right in in Washington DC, w/ survivor Cheng Peiming, former head of @StateDRL Robert Destro who brought him to the US & others👇
With so many media have picked up Cheng Peiming's story, it's a massive breakthrough in telling the China forced organ harvesting story. I say this having followed it closely since 2006. I'm going to drop the ones I found in this 🧵starting w/ @Telegraph👇
A year ago, @MikeBenzCyber blew my mind when he explained the "foreign/domestic switcheroo" he describes in his definitive interview with @TuckerCarlson.
Check out PART 1: The West’s Burgeoning Censorship Industry & the Gov’t Funds Pouring In. Mike digs deep. Highly recommended!
I'll post PART 2 of last year's @MikeBenzCyber interview soon, below.
In the meantime, check out another mind-blowing deep dive, this with @Jacob__Siegel, Part 1: ‘Disinformation’ Warfare: A New Weapon of Mass Destruction, on our own platform @EpochTV👇 theepochtimes.com/epochtv/jacob-…
We actually have the best-priced trial subscription I've ever seen for @EpochTV right now, for 25 cents per week 👉 👈. It's how we keep the lights on! ept.ms/3LKqZgW
"Yesterday, the 3-judge panel…upheld that injunction against the gov't. They ruled that the White House, the Surgeon General, the CDC & the FBI, were clearly in violation of 1st Amendment rights when they pressured social media companies."
@AaronKheriatyMD on 5th Circ decision.
Full interview with @AaronKheriatyMD coming soon on @AmThoughtLeader on @EpochTV!