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1/n <Takes a deep breath>

It's thanksgiving, and this is going to be a rather complicated post. It's also objectively not a good idea for me to write it given every Scientist has a target on their back in the UFO community (rightly so), and given that I am still a tech CEO.
2/n Near the beginning of this year (February 1st), I had the most absurd, world-changing experience of my life. It happened in broad daylight at 9:40 in the morning in my home. More specific details will be for another time,when I have a better safety net and can expand more.But
3/n to put it simply: I was paralyzed against my will, could not move, and saw 3 entities that had no-chill. Could I be crazy? Sure. Do I think I am? Obviously not. Could this have been a hallucination? I can't prove it wasn't or I wouldn't be so worried about sharing this. These
4/n entities projected hundreds/thousands of sentences and paragraphs in a language that looked like a marriage of Japanese and Egyptian hieroglyphics. I was terrified that I could barely move and was in complete disbelief at what was happening. I'd go back and forth between,
5/n convincing myself that I was having some sort of seizure or had fallen unconscious and that there was no way this was happening,to downright fear realizing that it all felt realer than reality.I was scared that I couldn't move and was not in control of the situation yet could
6/n think perfectly straight. My mind was racing. "These things are really real? Is this really happening right now? Is my family and friends ready for this if it ever happens to them? Are they going to kill me? How do I convey that I don't want to die and that I'm not a threat?"
7/n At the same time I was trying to make sense of the symbols. It was incredibly frustrating that I couldn't understand or translate them. The sentences and paragraphs would keep flipping rapidly and the only english word I saw, at least 3 times, was the word, "DNA". This means
8/n that whoever or whatever was doing this (even if it's my brain), clearly understood english. But was choosing not to use it for everything. The image of my room would disappear when I raised my head a little. But it was hard to do that and I would feel extremely nauseous.
9/n When it disappeared I realized I was no longer in my room but somewhere else. When I would put my head back down, the image of my room would come back on again and the symbols were back on again. I decided to stop fighting what was happening and for some reason no longer
10/n felt fear but total fascination. The fear feeling would come back every now and then, but by this point I was astutely observing everything that was going on. The color of their suits, their size, their mannerisms, the feeling that my mood was being rapidly cycled, etc.
11/n After a certain point, one of them jumped ontop of me. And slowly walked towards my head. Right before it did this, it was on the ground near my TV and displaying thee beautiful golden holograms in the middle of its suit. These golden sparkles would jump around it too. When
12/n I saw this, I immediately rolled my eyes and said "This is a fucking joke. What is wrong with me? What are these things??" Because I assure you, they did not look like what you expect of an "ET". These things seemed etheric in nature. Hard to describe. Once it was on me, it
13/n walked towards me so slowly and cautiously that I felt I was being treated like an animal. I felt this weird light hitting the top of my head. And suddenly I got hit with the most blissful, euphoric feeling I have ever felt. I will try my best to describe it: It felt like
14/n the Universe was sentient and aware of my existence. The feeling was of warmth and nostalgia(?), it was like a reminder that space is teeming with life and that we're all related to each other by virtue of existing. I use the word "oneness", which meant nothing to me before.
15/n After a few minutes(?) of experiencing this, I got knocked out/lost consciousness. And woke up "instantly". Not a minute had gone by since the experience started. I was heaving and looking around completely shocked at what just happened.I couldn't believe no time had passed.
16/n I STILL didn't think what had happened could be authentic,but I question it less today than I did when it first happened.This all happened around an interesting time in my life. I had spent roughly 3 months in UFOlogy which is why I doubted the experience since I was biased.
17/n I was debating whether to delete all my tweets on the subject because I was starting to think it was all one big scam and I was disgruntled with the lack of hard evidence. This pushed me over the edge and made me double down on my obsession. I decided I needed to find more
18/n people who had these experiences. So I got in contact with the Toronto CE-5 group (which I left after 2 sessions cause one of the guys running it was a total lunatic).I booked a ticket to the SCU conference and would meet Hal and Lue Elizondo the next month.I needed to know.
19/n I needed to know who these people were, what was going on and if I had officially gone crazy. A lot of you have followed me since post SCU, and I only learned more and more. My life got weirder days after this experience. Very, very weird. First of all, another thing that
20/n had happened a few weeks before this was the suicide of someone in my circle. We were not that close but I looked up to him/related to him. Finding out about his death had me traumatized. It was affecting my work &on top of that my inner debunker/believer battles didn't help
21/n Yet after the experience. I realized that feeling of oneness had not gone away.The euphoria part, sure. But I was WAYYY better of mentally. I had no more anxiety, no depression or stress or trauma. It was impossible to feel fear. I literally could not feel fear no matter how
22/n hard I tried. I felt love for everyone, and it was very hard to make me mad. When I did, it wouldn't last very long and sizzle out fast. I was objectively the better version of myself. My beliefs in God changed almost instantly too. I went from an atheist to being spiritual.
23/n I started having dreams of seeing the inside of some of the UAPs we so commonly hear about. Mostly saucers and Orbs. Some of my dream characters spoke only through telepathy. I had never in my life dreamed such things until this year. I'd experience impossible electrical
24/n anomalies wherever I went the first 2 weeks after it happened. I started feeling unnerved because I felt I had lost my free will to an extent. I didn't like that this new found fearlessness, unconditional love and so on were not coming from me.I didn't think I had earned it.
25/n And that it was not normal, whatever was happening to me. I considered getting an MRI done to see what parts of my brain were rewired so that I could feel this way. It was unnatural (but extremely good and liberating). If the whole world experienced this state of mind I was
26/n in, we would level up overnight. I am convinced hate, fear, anger, depression and anxiety would disappear overnight from our society. After a couple weeks this feeling/state of mind dwindled down until I was back to my normal self again. Sometimes I wish I could go back to
27/n the way things were those first 2 weeks after the experience. But the next best thing is with conscious effort, I can easily go back to that state of mind. The difference is back then, it was an unconscious effort on my part.
28/n I had my first UFO sighting just weeks after this. And have had 4 in total since. 2 of which I've recorded. And 3/4 times there were other people with me. So yeah, that's me. My life changed (for the better), became much more complex and has led me to where I am today.
29/n I don't know what happened, nor can I prove that this isn't me having gone crazy (I will pass any psychological test no problem but there will always be doubt, which is fair). But I'm forever grateful for the experience. I'm thankful for everyone I've met since then on here.
30/n There are countless people I admire and like on here. I believe we will figure this mystery out and that Humanity has an incredible future ahead of it. Happy thanksgiving everyone.
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