1. "We won the argument."
No. We didn't. We lost the argument, the argument was derided, the argument was mocked and ridiculed, there was utter contempt for the argument.
Therefore, we were slaughtered as predicted.
They were one and the same. Brexit crap was Corbyn crap, Corbyn crap was Brexit crap. Everyone could see Corbyn was conflicted and had rationalised the situation into pretending indecision was conciliation. It was transparent nonsense.
This is not a zero-sum game of media/Corbyn. The media *was* biased. But a leader's job is to have a strategy to deal with this. None was evident. Milne's £100k a year job was strategy and communications; what was he doing?
Anyone who thought what Corbyn was doing would work while he led us into embarrassingly pathetic irrelevance should not only not be in the race, they should be in hiding.
As should Corbyn.
If this is one of your issues, get off my twitter feed. Get out of my house. You are not welcome. You are a terrible, worrying, depressing and disgusting problem.