There is Egbe Orisa that is known as IYALODE (mother),ALARAGBO,KORI.
Then there is Egbe aiye,that children who were not born with uyou, yet played with you before
The Egbe's Society names are :
Baale-male or female
Iyalaje-female egbe that controls the marketplace keeps cowries
Gbogero-female egbe of women who are fashionable.
Adeta- female or male egbe of someone who's crown is protruding.
Sarepegbe-male or female public relations or spin doctor
Gegebiri-female egbe of women who dresses pretty and always ready for any occasion.
Asipa- male commander
The Egbe Orun are spirit companions. Every person enjoys the company of these companions in the heaven before they to earth. When a person comes from heaven, there are many groups that they may be associated with. One of these groups is called Egbe
Iji aji a ko jire
Isun asun a ko sun ire
Ebo Oyekulogbe la o mon
It was divined for Orunmila when Orunmila hide his money in his room. On the day when he returned ffrom a journey, he found that the money
In oshe Omolu (Ose Ogunda)
Oshe Omolu
Osi ko mo awo
Agada ko mo ori
Feeding Egbe :
Kolanuts with four / two lobes
Bitterkola nuts (orogbo)
Palm oil
Sugar cane
Pounded and cooked beans (ekuru)
Moin-Moin (steamed beans that are pounded)
Akuko- Roaster Or Hen
He goat- Obuko
Yam (flour meal)
Cassava flour meal
Usually on a plate outside their container or calabash
Palm kernel oil-Adin oil
Swearing-cursing while feeding Egbe
Mode of feeding Egbe is fed with singing, dancing, while either kneeling or
Mode of feeding Egbe is fed with singing, dancing, while either kneeling or sitting.
Always ask IFA where to have your egbe once Ifa tell you about your egbe. #Egbe #heavenmate #egbeorun #alaragbo