This will be a thread about #blackhole. That a black hole is actually not what we are used to imagining and discussing.
2. Have you ever wondered why artists depict a black hole in the form of a black sphere? Moreover, exactly spherical black holes are considered by well serious researchers in the models.
This is a stereotype transferred from another familiar celestial bodies: stars and planets.
3. Stars and planets have a spherical shape because they are in hydrostatic balance between the compressive gravity and the repulsion force of the substance they are composed.
However, the black hole is not in balance: its gravitational force exceeds all repulsive forces.
4. Gravity is created by a substance falling into a black hole. But this substance falls in the equatorial plane from a thin accretion disk.
Accordingly, a black hole should be a continuation of its accretion disk: it is flat, not spherical.
5. It is known that from the point of view of a distant observer, falling substance will never reach the event horizon: increasing gravity slows the observable time until it stops completely at the singularity boundary, where the space curvature and gravity are infinite.
6. That is, the model of an ideal black hole is not a sphere, but a mathematical circumference lying in the accretion plane.
A real black hole is a physical object infinitely striving for an ideal model.
7. Non-rotating black holes do not exist. Rotation is a fundamental property of a black hole, along with mass. So that the black hole does not rotate, the sum angular momentum of the substance from which it is formed must be strictly equal to zero, which is impossible in reality.
8. An ideal black hole would rotate at the speed of light, that is, such would be the linear velocity of the points on its circumference.
Real black holes rotate somewhat slower, because the speed of light for physical bodies is unattainable.
9. The circumference radius of an ideal black hole is determined by two interrelated factors: mass 𝐦 and sum angular momentum 𝐋 of its constituent substance.
With fixed 𝐦, the more angular momentum, the more radius.
With fixed 𝐋, the more mass, the less radius.
10. The angular momentum is determined by the moment of inertia 𝐈 and the angular velocity 𝛚:
𝐋 = 𝐈 ∙ 𝛚
From here, the radius of an ideal black hole, as it rotates with the speed of light:
𝐑𝑟 = 𝐋 / (𝐦 ∙ 𝐜)
11. Since the speed of light for physical bodies is unattainable, the radius 𝐑𝑟 of an ideal black hole determines the dynamic singularity: the minimum size that a real black hole endlessly strives for, but never reaches.
12. The radius 𝐑𝑟 of the dynamic singularity larger than the gravitational radius of the event horizon in the traditional black hole model.
For example, the gravitational radius of the Earth is about 9 mm, while the radius of the dynamic singularity is about 4 meters.
13. The inequality 𝐑𝑟 > 𝐑𝑠 means that all the problems and effects associated with crossing the event horizon, which for many decades have been attracting scientists, sci-fi creators and ordinary people, are meaningless, including: ...
(13.1) ...
• the concept of "inside" is not applicable to a black hole;
• the information paradox does not exist;
• black holes do not evaporate, Hawking radiation does not exist;
• white holes do not exist;
• black holes do not connect with other universes;
(13.2) ...
• black holes are not the entrances neither to the wormholes nor to elsewhere;
• falling into a black hole is a disintegrating physical process in which there is no romance;
... etc.
14. A real black hole is a physical object outside the radius of a dynamic singularity. The speed of its rotation is less than the speed of light due to relativistic effects: growth the mass and a slowdown the time with the accelerating speed and increasing gravity.
15. The substance falls into a black hole in an endless spiral, the turns of which are infinitely condensed as they approach the radius of the dynamic singularity.
At some level, the turns become so tight that the neighboring ones begin to interact with each other.
16. Due to the difference in speeds on adjacent turns of the spiral, the interaction of the falling substance is destructive.
At first, the disintegration has a mechanical character (along with the destruction by tidal forces).
17. The deeper into the black hole, the deeper levels of matter are involve in the interaction by the increasing collision energy of the falling substance:
• decay of molecules;
• ionization of atoms;
• nuclear fission;
• nuclear fusion;
• quark-gluon plasma;
18. Model of a real black hole:
19. There is an erroneous stereotype that a black hole only absorbs everything that falls into it. This would be so if the falling substance did not enter into interaction. However, the presence of jets indicates that this is not so.
20. In the process of interaction of a substance falling into a black hole in the accretion disk, reactions occur that release internal energy. This energy leads to the release of reaction products with velocities exceeding the second cosmic velocity (escape velocity).
21. As the black hole rotates, the Coriolis force deflects the ejected reaction products toward the axis of rotation. So the jets are forming.
Herewith, spatial separation occurs: the angle of the product eject the smaller, the heavier it is and the earlier it is thrown out.
22. The spatial spectrum of the radiation energy that accompanies the ejection of products corresponds to the ejection direction. This is clearly visible in the famous M87 photo: the half of the accretion disk closest to us glows brighter.
23. Magnetism is not related to the formation of black hole jets: the energy and direction of the magnetic field do not provide an escape velocity for the falling substance.
24. The fall of a substance into a black hole through an infinitely condensing spiral provides a smooth increase in the energy of nuclear fusion in the entire range necessary for the formation of all elements of the periodic table. Black holes are nucleosynthesis factories.
25. It is black holes, and not the death of stars and not the merging of neutron stars, that supply the galaxy with the heavy elements necessary for the formation of planetary systems, including the Solar system, and Earth, and life on it.
26. Our bodies are not made of star stuff, as Carl Sagan claimed. We are created by a much more powerful and much more regular phenomenon than star collapsing and supernovae explosions.
We are the children of black holes.
More precisely: we are the children of Sagittarius A.
27. Black holes synthesize not only heavy elements, but also hydrogen, necessary for the new stars in the galaxy.
On lower levels of accretion going the synthesis of neutrons and protons in a quark-gluon plasma, and the released energy ejects the created hydrogen nuclei via jets.
28. Of course, only part of the substance falling into the black hole enters the reactions. The bulk mass goes to ever deeper levels of accretion, creating an infinitely growing gravity, the energy of which disintegrates the falling substance and partially spent on synthesis.
29. But when a black hole is hungry, the synthesis reactions continue to take away its mass, decreasing the radius of its collapse horizon. This factor (and not the hypothetical Hawking radiation on a nonexistent event horizon) is the cause of the death of black holes.
30. When the collapse horizon decreases to the size of the dynamic singularity, the hungry black hole decays, releasing the internal energy of the remainder of its substance. We observe these events as gamma-ray bursts, the most powerful ejections of energy in the universe.
31. Since the black hole at the moment of decay still has an angular momentum, the gamma rays energy and the products of reactions are emitted mainly in the direction of its poles, so the gamma-ray bursts are directional.
32. To exist, a black hole must constantly be fed by the falling substance. The hungry black hole should explode soon after the loss of an external source. But for an outside observer, even a hungry black hole lives long due to time dilation near the dynamic singularity.
33. From the above it follows that the central central black holes of galaxies are system-forming. The combination of mass and angular momentum of a black hole determines the shape of the galaxy, and the black hole is the central nucleosynthesis factory of the galaxy.
34. The central black hole supplies the galaxy with all set of chemical elements. The convex halo visible at the central part of the galaxy contains young matter ejected from a black hole and gradually settles on the galactic disk for creation of stars and their planets.
35. In order to fulfill its role as a nucleosynthesis factory, a center black hole constantly absorbs matter concentrated in the center of the galaxy in the form of a gas-dust cloud and central stars. This occurs in a powerful accretion disk.
36. The accretion disk of Sagittarius A is highly underestimated, judging by the article referenced by @coreyspowell. We observe an accretion disk of our central black hole from almost the plane of Galaxy: in this direction its radiation is minimal.
Colleague expresses the opinion that increasing entropy will eventually eliminate everything in the universe.
1 ᐅ
This is a very interesting opinion indeed.
And first of all, it is interesting in attitude to this problem in modern physics. Modern physics is little shy about this topic.
Because it is very inconvenient not to have a clear answer to a such simple question.
2 ᐅ
This question sounds like this: "Will the heat death of the universe occur: yes or no?"
If you ask physicist, he will do everything not to answer. He will discourse a lot, deeply explain, refer to the history and latest research, but you shouldn't expect neither yes nor no.
3 ᐅ
Some (few) people are wondering: why is Elon Musk @elonmusk going to send a million people to Mars in the next 40 years, and why is preparing for this with such energy, which (if to leave aside the charm of achievements of this very extraordinary person) is more like a rush?
@elonmusk We visited the Moon half a century ago and since then have done quite well without far space flights. Is it possible that such a waste of funds and efforts is simply explained by the fact that one enthusiast was carried away by the idea of giving humanity a multi-planetary?
A fleet of 1000 #Starship, 3 launches per day, difficulties and suffering in flight and in life in the colony, losses ... Expenses with which even the Sahara or Antarctica can turn into a paradise for the same people. And all this for what? Just out of principle, let it be?
Why does quantum gravity (and, accordingly, graviton) not exist, and all theories professing this idea are fictitious? Because the nature of the gravitational interaction, with all the kinship with the other three (quantized), is still somewhat different.
Like everything in the information universe, fundamental interactions are the derivatives of the metric of the universe. It is it that determines their number - four - and the basic features of each of them.
The metric of the universe is determined by the third level of combinations of the beings of the universe (more on this here:
1/19 The compression/static/expansion trilemma is meaningless. It comes from the naive worldly idea of the universe as a certain volume of matter existing in space and time. This idea (the same turtle and three whales) brought cosmology even to such funny absurdity:
2/19 To understand what the universe is, first need to clear yourself of the jumble of absurdities that the BBT has turned cosmology into. Take any theory, and if it has in anamnesis the Doppler interpretation of redshift - forget it, this theory is wrong.
3/19 When you free yourself from childhood mistakes, you will have the opportunity to return to the forgotten source: the content of the concept "universe". The universe is everything. Everything that exists is the inner concepts of it. There are no concepts external to it.
Since the universe is unknowable to the individual, believing is an integral part of consciousness. This applies to scientific consciousness in full.
But scientific belief should not contradict physics.
Belief in aliens is no different from religion: it is just as unscientific, because it contradicts the special theory of relativity.
No movement in the space of the universe can occur faster than the speed of light. This means that neither interstellar travel nor inter-civilization contacts are possible.
1. Why does the universe exists as we observe it, that is, progressing from simple states to more and more complex ones?
This thread complements the answer to the question about the cause of the universe existing given in the earlier thread.
2. The idea for this new thread came in a dream. The brain, accustomed to everyday perception of reality, is not satisfied with a strictly formal answer, and, without asking the owner's opinion, seeks more worldly arguments for the same conceptual basis.
3. The conceptual basis is defined in another earlier thread related to the first: the universe is only information and nothing else.