#probanx customer #globecapitalfincorp 'leading investment bank and financial institution based in the USA and UK (probanx words not mine)
Sounds great. well in Lala land anyway.
1. 20-22 Wenlock Rd - NOT the office of a ‘leading investment bank’. It's the office of shell factory ‘Companies made simple’ and a known post box for dubious companies. #bitconnect being a prime example - #ponzi#hyip .
just another one for good measure
Bulgaria - Why would a 'leading investment bank’ based in the ‘USA and UK’ operating its online presence out of Bulgaria? Obvious answer is they don’t.
#probanx here's a tip. Your customers are already pumping themselves no need to double pump.
“USA and UK investment bank” is very different to spivvy debit card provider run by Cypriots for cypriots.
#isignthis@probanx#whenitrainsitpours this is actually getting rediculous now. I was going to stop waxing on about #globecapital as the point was made. But I recognised a couple of other dodgy logos and domains.
@probanx then the wheels on the dodgy bus started to fall off.
All these cross entities there was a common name #megas but he wasn't up in lights like the others . It was almost like he had gone MIA.
But once you find him....he's kinda everywhere #michaelmegas
aka Michalakis Nestor Megas currently residing in Cyprus
tbh doesnt mind giving himself a bit of a pumpup. Accountant....educator.....payments guru....
This is #megas was quite famous in Australia back in the day
Here's a little snippet from a retiring supercop who fondly remembers his time chasing #megas for what he warmly remembers as his career best collar.
But thats not what put #megas on the map. It was the fact that 10 days out of the big house he managed to talk his way into the role of acadamic principal at a college.
Where he immediately went about doing what he did best. here a few tidbits from NSW enquiry into the scam
Just a couple more happy snaps to close out
its cosy down in Cyprus.....and yes the Probanx CEO and Megas are facebook bff.
Globe Capital Fincorp Ltd is Agent of SatchelPay UAB, authorized by Bank of Lithuania. SatchelPay UAB conducts business under the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, according to the EU Directive (2009/110/EC) and Directive (EU) 2015/2366 on EU-wide payment services. nia.
The tax framework I had assumed would be applicable was/is pretty well as I expected. Most of which I've learnt over the years the hard way by getting shit wrong (don't get me started on the pain of get pegged in the bum by the tax-office for failing rollover relief tests).
Paying the tax piper..Income tax or Capital Gains. What's not well understood by the swinging dick muppet brigade is referals fee's, staking, mining, shilling and lending ..... that's ALL income tax. You might think it all pools into one big HODL fantasy. but it don't.
I came across these thieves while looking at $isx customer Insightgroup OU. #isignthis was (I guess still is) seeking $1.6m damages from @ASX why? apparently #insightgroup was so infuriated by the "false" #ASX claims against #isignthis it terminated its services. @FinTelegram
@newmoneyreview Well this is the next thing to look at....who actually paid for and were issued CEL tokens at 30c ....ftx and bitfinex I'm guessing between the three and their perifeey they would control literally the whole market...it trade a like a non bouncing dead cat.
@newmoneyreview CEL tokens issued 30cents went 10x by Q3-2020...Dec 2020 the last month of the financial period the price went vertical closing year out at $5.45. adding $2B to Celsius balance sheet....ironically rather than be penalised for issuing far more than market demand
@newmoneyreview they instead gorged their own balance sheet by holding in treasury. How anemic would this balance sheet be if the treasury shares were booked at cost (zero) or issue price (30cents).
So the second you transfer any digital asset into a #celsius account beneficial ownership changes. Its no longer your asset.
This means your ability to manage risk becomes binary - either the assets are with Celsius or not with Celsius.
So what? As long as they pay out best in market returns why would you care? 1) Risk vs return. Bitcoin or bottletops, Buffett or Saylor- it doesn't matter who or what you can't disconnect risk from return.
Today I wasted too much time trying to reconcile some fairly basic numbers for #celsius which was a bit frustrating and I was scratching around trying to work out where I'd gone wrong.
So I'll throw it out to twitter ..... Someone tell which one of these numbers on celcius.network/cel-token-expl… page is actually correct?
Ok its a bit of a trick question....As literally all of them are incorrect in one form or another.