Conference on the Future of Europe: after the European Parliament & the Commission, now it’s the Council set to prepare its blueprint. Here’s an initial analysis based on council first discussion document THREAD #CoFoE#EUCO
If the European Parliament proposed a top-down blueprint, leaving aside NGOs’ participation in exchange for citizens’ agoras, the Commission watered down that model by invoking the “successful citizens dialogues” as THE approach to follow
The Council discussion document on #CofoE departs even further from the EP blueprint:
- no explicit reference to Agoras or other form of citizens’ assemblies (but citizens’ dialogues mentioned at template)
Moreover, what the Council foresees is: 1. institution-driven initiative ensuring inter institutional balance & EU vs MS balance; 2. only policy not institutional reform 3. deliverable : report to EU council 4. no joint commitment by EU to follow up, but unilateral #CofoE
After 3 week-ends of deliberation, the first citizens' recommendations for EU leaders were approved over the weekend.
Their contents are as important as the PROCESS that delivered them.
The @EUI_EU final panel revealed a humbling, collective learning experience. A 🧵 #CoFoE
Citizens, mostly not used to transnational exposure & live interpretation (!), played the game by engaging in debates generally considered a prerogative of political elites/pundits.
Media pluralism, rule of law, conditionality of EU funding, citizen education. Wow.
Citizens produced 42 recommendations – from simplifying the names of EU institutions to guaranteeing media pluralism and Europeanizing politics, with one common thread:
to enable emergence of a pan-EU public sphere to enhance EU accountability
After 3 years studying the Conference on the Future of Europe, I had the chance to directly contribute to it by meeting - as expert witness - some of the citizens who have been randomly selected to discuss EU's future.
Despite its limitations, #CoFoE - and in particular its 800-citizen panels - are de facto creating a mini transnational conversation among citizens who would not otherwise talk about the EU.
El nombramiento de Mario Draghi - técnico y alto funcionario italiano - merece ser entendida a partir del espíritu de la Constitución como una expresión puramente política
La urgencia del nombramiento de #Draghi no debe vincularse únicamente a la pandemia. La profunda crisis del sistema político italiano es anterior y duradera, aunque ha sido fuertemente agravada por la covid-19.
En la convulsión de la crisis sanitaria, económica, política e institucional que atraviesa la República italiana, nadie puede dudar ya de que existe un riesgo real de que una fuerza de extrema derecha con ascendencia fascista pueda determinar el Gobierno del país
Despite all the buzz, #Draghi’s mandate - by finding its legitimacy in multiple sanitary, economic & democratic emergencies affecting the country - is set to confine his action to Italy (spoiler)
A thread 🧵
Contrary to conventional wisdom, #Draghi’s government is not technocratic but hybrid in nature with a surprisingly low-profile team, made of 2nd/3rd tier politicians and few technocrats without EU experience
This won’t help Mario in Brussels.
To see Draghi play some role in #euco need to wait few months, with Italian action plan submitted &validated, Covid-19 brought under control...
Ultimately, #draghi’s projection into EU conditional on his ability to make his incompatible supporting parties speak with 1 voice