in The Butcher of Prague
aka Lidice (2011)
#Heydrich assassination #OperationAntropoid

Jason Clarke as R. Heydrich in,
The Man with the Iron Heart aka HHhH (2017)
based on Laurent Binet’s 2010 novel HHhH—acronym standing for ‘Himmler’s brain is called—hirn heist—Heydrich’

Biondo recalls Heydrich.
John Steiner playing in an art house precursor of the #nazisploitation cycle

The Man in the High Castle (2015)
based on Philip K. Dick's alternate history novel #TheManInTheHighCastle published (and set) in 1962
#representations of #history

unlike most of the other films, not about the assassination but the #Wannsee Conference in which bureaucrats planned the #Holocaust

a real-time reenactment of the #WannseeConference & a brilliant study of the #BanalityofEvil
-imo the most successful portrayal, esp. in comparison to Branagh's overstated Heydrich

Douglas Sirk's 'Hitler's Madman' came out in June,
about two month after Fritz Lang's 'Hangmen Also Die!'
The two films opted for different paths for representing the Heydrich assassination that had taken place in Prague a year ago, on 27 May 1942.
The village was destroyed by the Nazis as a reprisal for the assassination of the architect of the #Holocaust.

The film begins with a Czech resistance fighter airdropped into Czechoslovakia and the assassination takes place not in Prague but a country dirt road.

#JohnCarradine #Classics #HitlersMadman

John Carradine's Heydrich abhors #philosophy.

#antinazi #Germanexpats #WWII
