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Aug 14th 2021
#OTD 1956 – Bertolt Brecht, Aged 58, German poet, playwright, director. (b. 1898)

He moved to US to escape Nazis, wrote one Hollywood screenplay (Fritz Lang, Hangmen Also Die 1943), came under investigation by HUAC, testified, then left for East Germany, before being deported.
#OTD 1956 – Bertolt Brecht, 58, German poet, playwright. (b. 1898)

Life of Galileo * Mother Courage + Her Children * Good Person of Szechwan * Caucasian Chalk Circle * Mr Puntila + his Man Matti * Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui

(1929 based John Gay's Beggar's [Threepenny] Opera)
"Brecht’s testimony is legendary. Asked did he write “Forward We’ve Not Forgotten” (from his play Decision), read in English translation, he responds, “No, I wrote a German poem, but that is very different from this thing,” provoking laughter in audience."
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Mar 10th 2020
Reinhard Heydrich in film, 1943

Hans Heinrich von Twardowski,
Hangmen Also Die! (Fritz Lang)


John Carradine,
Hitler's Madman (Douglas Sirk) ImageImage
Reinhard Heydrich in film.

Martin Held in Canaris (1954) ImageImage
Siegfried Loyda in Atentat (1965) ImageImage
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