Lot's of talk on #remote recently. Quick tip - are you using #JIra@Atlassian?
You can quickly let your people work on it from home. No VPN required. On-prem or through the #Azure#AzureAD#cloud (both options available)
THREAD: Yesterday I gave a talk at #ITechDays on #Security approach in a #Cloud with #Azure context.
Here is key points and promised links and references.
DISCLAIMER: I'm MVP and RD but it isn't based on NDA info. My opinions only.
It might be wrong. You are warned.
I needed a space to deploy simple web page over weekend. Requirements:
- static web page
- custom domain (apex)
- HTTPS enabled.
I gave a try to #Azure storage as a web hosting. Thread: (hint: documentation sucks at least a bit).
Storage: simple, yet useful service in all #cloud. #Azure storage host static website:
Pro: simple, cheap, custom domain
Con: No HTTPS for custom domain
Basic setup: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/st…
- Create storage account
- Enable web hosting
- Change public access level
Done. Works.
I have DNS zone on #Azure DNS. No apex ("naked") domain support. How to overcome HTTPS and custom zone support?
Go for #Azure CDN service - in my case, Verizon premium (rules). It might take some time to provision it.
Basic setup: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cd…
Hi, in 3 min I'm going live with @PredicaExperts on short AMA. If you have questions about tech, company, running business, meaning of life ... join us :)!
I reflected over coffee about my learning process today. It changed and formed into a funnel process:
👉 discover and acquire
👉 refine
👉research go deep
The most significant change over the years: go wider than deep.
(short thread)
Acquire has changed. Mostly get initial information and news from my info-bubble:
👉 Twitter (very efficient)
👉 Linkedin feeds
👉 Direct media feeds (very little)
👉 Peers recommendation (a lot)
It feeds my refinement funnel.
Then filtering it into refining funnel:
👉 Watch/Read
👉 Ideas
👉 Research.
Watch/Read - I started to store it in @RoamResearch recently.
Very efficient for my personality and the way I save and consume information.